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Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy. Docs -->
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❓ **I'm submitting a ...** - [X] 🐞 bug report - [ ] 🐣 feature request - [ ] ❓ question about the decisions made in the repository 🐞 **Describe...
It seems like cherrypy is vulnerable to HTTP Request Smuggling. Potential HTTP pipelining issues and request smuggling attacks might be possible due to cheroot not correctly responding to HTTP requests....
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Originally reported in #225, two tests fail reliably for me on macOS. On my local workstation, here is the test output. ``` python develop-inst-noop: /Users/jaraco/code/public/cherrypy/cheroot python installed: apipkg==1.5,argh==0.26.2,asn1crypto==1.0.1,atomicwrites==1.3.0,attrs==19.2.0,certifi==2019.9.11,cffi==1.12.3,chardet==3.0.4,-e git+gh://cherrypy/cheroot@4fa4f701d828ff296cf9801f9d0fadf64c303a5e#egg=cheroot,codecov==2.0.15,colorama==0.4.1,coverage==4.5.3,cryptography==2.7,docopt==0.6.2,execnet==1.7.1,idna==2.8,jaraco.functools==2.0,more-itertools==7.2.0,packaging==19.2,pathtools==0.1.2,pluggy==0.13.0,py==1.8.0,pycparser==2.19,pyOpenSSL==19.0.0,pyparsing==2.4.2,pytest==5.2.1,pytest-cov==2.7.1,pytest-forked==1.1.1,pytest-mock==1.10.4,pytest-sugar==0.9.2,pytest-testmon==0.9.19,pytest-watch==4.2.0,pytest-xdist==1.30.0,PyYAML==5.1.2,requests==2.22.0,requests-unixsocket==0.2.0,six==1.12.0,termcolor==1.1.0,trustme==0.5.2,urllib3==1.25.6,watchdog==0.9.0,wcwidth==0.1.7 python...
**I'm submitting a ...** - [x] bug report - [ ] feature request - [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository **What is the current behavior?** Server...
❓ **I'm submitting a ...** - [X] 🐞 bug report - [ ] 🐣 feature request - [ ] ❓ question about the decisions made in the repository 🐞 **Describe...
* **I'm submitting a ...** - [X] bug report - [X] feature request - [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository * **Do you want to request...
* **I'm submitting a ...** [*] bug report [ ] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository * **Do you want to request a *feature*...
Attempting to cut the 6.6 release, the release was blocked due to test failures in macOS seen in [this build]( When I run the tests locally, those tests pass, but...