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vue-snb-table - is a mobile touch table componen for Vue.js. It is display multiple data with similar format.

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vue-snb-table is a table componen for Vue.js. Display multiple data with similar format. You can sort your data in a table.

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You can see a demo here:


$ npm install vue-snb-table


Import using module

Import components to your project:

// in ES6 modules
import { SnbTable, SnbTableColumn, SnbTableHeader } from 'vue-snb-table';

// in CommonJS
const { SnbTable, SnbTableColumn, SnbTableHeader } = require('vue-snb-table');

// in Global variable
const { SnbTable, SnbTableColumn, SnbTableHeader } = VueSnbTable;

And register components:

Vue.component('snb-table', SnbTable);
Vue.component('snb-table-column', SnbTableColumn);
Vue.component('snb-table-header', SnbTableHeader);

Import using script tag

<script src="../node-modules/vue-snb-table/dist/index.js"></script>
const SnbTable = VueSnbTable.SnbTable;
const SnbTableColumn = VueSnbTable.SnbTableColumn;
const SnbTableHeader = VueSnbTable.SnbTableHeader;

new Vue({
  el: 'body',
  components: {
    'snb-table': SnbTable,
    'snb-table-column': SnbTableColumn,
    'snb-table-header': SnbTableHeader


Work on a Vue instance:

  <snb-table-column prop="data1" label="data1" />
  <snb-table-column prop="data2" label="data2" />
  <snb-table-column prop="data3" label="data3">
    <template slot-scope="scope">{{scope.data3}}</template>



Option Type Description Accepted Values Default
data Array Table data - -
showHeader Boolean whether Table header is visible - true
headerFixed Object whether Table header is fixed state: true/false null
defaultSort Object set the default sort column and order. property prop is used to set default sort column, property order is used to set default sort order order: asc, desc if prop is set, and order is not set, then order is default to ascending
sortState Object set the handle sort column and order. property prop is used to set default sort column, property order is used to set default sort order order: asc, desc -
headerColsWidth Array columns width - -


Event Name Description params
columnsReady triggers when table element is ready columns
sortChange triggers when sort state or sort order changes {sort: {prop, order}, column}
colsWidth triggers when table data changes widths
distanXChange triggers when drag table rest assured is horizontal width
rowClick triggers when clicking a row row



Option Type Description Accepted Values Default
prop String field name. You can also use its alias: property - -
label String column label - -
align String alignment left/center/right left
width String column width - -
fixed String whether column is fixed. Will be fixed at left if true true, false false
sortable Boolean whether column can be sorted. Remote sorting can be done by setting this attribute to 'custom' and listening to the sort-change event of Table true, false false
formatter Function(row, column, cellValue, index) function that formats cell content - -



Option Type Description Accepted Values Default
columns Array columns - -
colsWidth Array columns width - -
distanX Number table rest assured is horizontal left/center/right left
defaultSort Object set the default sort column and order. property prop is used to set default sort column, property order is used to set default sort order order: asc, desc if prop is set, and order is not set, then order is default to ascending
sortState Object set the handle sort column and order. property prop is used to set default sort column, property order is used to set default sort order order: asc, desc -


Event Name Description params
sortChange triggers when sort state or sort order changes {sort: {prop, order}, column}
headerColsWidth triggers when table columns changes widths


Watching with hot-reload:

$ npm run dev

Develop on real remote device:

$ npm run remote-dev {{ YOUR IP ADDRESS }}
