我用源码会出现这个错误 用framework 就不会 我猜应该与UIScollView某个扩展冲突了 不知道楼主知道原因么? 还有一个严重的问题 用 isIgnoreObserving变量判断状态并不准确 导致previousOffset刷新动画复原会受影响 添加print测试 可以打印出来 ``` override open func observeValue(forKeyPath keyPath: String?, of object: Any?, change: [NSKeyValueChangeKey : Any]?, context: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) { if context...
在kvo里面添加如下打印 能打印出来 如果cell的大小为一个屏幕高度 会造成 回退不正常 ``` if keyPath == CRRefreshComponent.contentSizeKeyPath { if isIgnoreObserving == false { sizeChange(change: change) } } else if keyPath == CRRefreshComponent.offsetKeyPath { if isIgnoreObserving == false...
i need show custom image
I'm intresesting it, but could not build on new MacOS , can you help? I try many times, too hard for me
where is videoFrame->data[3]? data[3] 在in Other FFmpeg lib is null
when add subview use code the second view show error!
can't change the sope after call copy menu SECoreTextView