Eric Chen
Eric Chen
I haven't looked too closely at the document release process, one possible reason is that we dropped the support for python 2 last year but it's still using python2 CLI...
It would be good to support at least **9** digits for some customers.
Above commit changed C extension to support 9 sub-second digits now.
Hi @stevenmanton, thank you for letting us know! There is a small issue that makes ion-python 0.9.0 fall back to the pure python implementation and we are working on it....
`0.8.0` includes all changes before the C extension. `0.9.0` adds the C extension but it is not enabled by default. It's a configuration issue and need to be fixed. One...
```.c // reproduction for amzn/ion-c#223 TEST(IonBinarySymbol, BinarySymbolIsNullAfterReadNext) { // Wrtie binary $0 hWRITER writer = NULL; ION_STREAM *ion_stream = NULL; BYTE *data; SIZE data_length; BOOL is_binary = true; ION_ASSERT_OK(ion_test_new_writer(&writer, &ion_stream,...