Vincent Jang
Vincent Jang
Similar bug is found for FireFox, #8
Yes. It seems in Firefox, after first selection, any further suggestions list has wrong index. Say in the second time, suggestion list of [A, B, C], index for each element...
Hi @joebordes Sorry for the delay of reply. Are you able to solve your problems related to iron-data-table?
Okay. Got it. I will try your scenario and see if there is any way to resolve that.
Hi @barkerb1 Can you give a scenario that this.tags is null?
tags is already having default value to be empty array. So this should not happen though. You mean this.tags is not bind with the variables that's assigning to tags property?
@apalaniuk So as for the default value problem, so this means, if we have two paper-tags-input element and both of them don't have a variable assign to tags property. They...
@apalaniuk Got it. #13 I just created a new issue for these two things, 1 problem with default value 2 if need to change the check to be this.tags instanceof...
@apalaniuk @barkerb1 Since this issue is already resolved in #13 I am planning to close this issue.