spacemacs_module_for_doom copied to clipboard
Inquiry Regarding Repository Integration in Non-DOOM Configuration
Hello, I recently discovered your repository while developing my own configuration. I am interested in utilizing the contents of your repository within my configuration. Could you kindly confirm whether this is allowed, or if the traditional approach of manually assigning keybindings is the recommended method?
Your guidance on this matter is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Sure, you can use anything if you like.
I had a look at the README, I understand that I have to use the LOAD THIS MODULE DIRECTLY option to install, but what I stuck on is this part:
The configuration of the Config file
To enable the spacemacs like dashboard, add this:
(add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'spacemacs/home)
so do I follow the same steps since I don't have doom-init-ui-hook
in my custom config.
And as I am using the Elpaca PM to install my packages I will be excluding the package.el
file and be installing the dependencies on my own.
You can enable it by
;; use spacemacs dashboard
(if (fboundp 'spacemacs/home)
(add-hook 'doom-init-ui-hook #'spacemacs/home))
Or simply call the function without hook
So I tried tweaking around, and I tied to remove the most of the code which is solely used by doom. The only point that I am facing an issue is the `map!' command, is there any workaround for this.
You can remove it in config.el, if you dont use it