calibredb.el copied to clipboard
Emacs calibre client - An Ebook Management Solution in Emacs.
calibre version 7.2 ```diff diff --git a/calibredb-utils.el b/calibredb-utils.el index 50a6c3b..95b932d 100644 --- a/calibredb-utils.el +++ b/calibredb-utils.el @@ -347,9 +347,9 @@ types are added. Optional argument OPTION is additional options." (interactive) (calibredb-command...
Hello, Thank you for the package! Makes my workflow much simpler. How can I re-order the columns when I launch calibredb (the default buffer seems to be calibredb-search)? I was...
What the title says. Basically, I have a function that automatically exports my Calibre library to a BibTeX file, and I think it'd be a good idea to add a...
In Calibre I set up a virtual library to show untagged entries with the following search expression: `tags:false`. What variable (`calibredb-search-filter`) should I define in my init to have the...
Hello there! First of all, awesome library, congratulations! :) I followed what you suggested [here]( to send ebooks to kindle I'm on macOS. ``` λ (print calibredb-device-dir) /Volumes/Kindle/documents/ ``` When...
``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) file-exists-p(nil) calibredb-get-file-path(nil t) calibredb-convert-to-epub() funcall-interactively(calibredb-convert-to-epub) call-interactively(calibredb-convert-to-epub nil nil) command-execute(calibredb-convert-to-epub) ```
org-ref:Version 3 has eliminated all the org-ref-* variables, and instead uses analogous variables defined in bibtex-completion. `org-ref-default-bibliography` update to `bibtex-completion-bibliography`: ```elisp (use-package! org-ref :after-call calibredb :config (setq calibredb-ref-default-bibliography (concat (file-name-as-directory...
Executing that command by pressing `s i` and then enter the isbn number in `*calibre-search*` buffer results in the following output in `*Messages*` buffer. ``` D:/program/calibre/Calibre/fetch-ebook-metadata.exe -p "Google" --isbn "978-0-321-39952-6"...
i installed the package in doom emacs and this is the view i get  when i do `(setq calibredb-format-all-the-icons t)`
calibredb-show-metadata currently does nothing when I invoke it with M-x. I've tried marking entries before using it, but it still does nothing. So far, everything else seems to work, so...