
Results 40 comments of chenxizhang


I can use the Shift key to do this if the cursor is in the code panel. Not sure why you faced this issue, might be related to conflict of...

You need to implement the send mail logic by yourself, and call it in the code. Below is an example. I have a powerautomate flow, and exposed as a http...

Try the code wrote by me ``` $("#run").click(() => tryCatch(run)); async function run() { await (context) => { const sheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getActiveWorksheet(); sheet.getUsedRange().clear(); sheet.getRange("A1:D1").values = [["OrderID", "CustomerID", "EmployeeID", "OrderDate"]];...

For the security reason, You can't read local file by the javascript code. You need to upload the xml file to a server, and use the fetch API to do...

If you are developing a custom web add-in for word, you actually already have a server.

same issue here, let's make it fix on typescript azure function

I saw that "tsc -w" is working fine, but the "func start" maybe have some problem, it just not able to detect the changes on the dist folder

wow, thanks to @Yvand, it works for me now. You save many time for me, man

same issue here, and very confusing about that