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How to switch animation after initialization?
Hello. I'm trying to figure out how to switch animation after initialization, but I don't see it in the documentation. Is it possible?
I found the same question in airbnb/ios. Here is the reference: LINK
Right now, I'm reloading the component of the animation using *ngif hiding and showing it again, it works, but not always. I'm looking for a better solution.
Hi @laulaaa if you notice Im the one who asked in that ios thread how to do it for angular hah. So far the solution I have implemented is not ideal for loading times but it performs okay after initialization.
- I create a div container for the animation view (this assumes the different anims that you switch require the same size animation view).
- Inside that div container I put all of the lottie-animation-views for all of the animations I want to switch in and out. So this does require initializing all of the anims on load and keeping JS anim and config objects allocated for each of them. Set them all to autoplay: false.
- Set the container to position: relative, and then give each animation inside a unique id and set them to position: absolute, giving them different z-index so they can overlay each other in the div.
- create a class (I call it "off") that includes opacity: 0, and pointer-events: none, and apply this to all the animations that should not be showing.
- whenever you need to switch animations, you can now toggle the "off" class for whichever animation you want to show and then use play() or whatever from there.
This performs fine after the views are initialized as the CSS changes in the "off" class do not trigger screen re-draws, and only one animtion is playing at one time. I have used this to allow a user to win a prize, and in the prize display I have all of the different prize animations, and I switch to the one that is won upon its display.
Hope this maybe helps as a temporary fix!
And maybe it helps or doesnt but in the JS, I keep a variable to hold an ID for whichever animation is currently on, which helps with making the necessary changes
Hi, please help.. I need the solution too.
According to the documentation here:
Available methods are:
anim.goToAndStop(value, isFrame)
anim.goToAndPlay(value, isFrame)
anim.playSegments(segments, forceFlag)
So i'm guessing you would use them with ng-lottie by using the html:
<lottie-animation-view class="animation" [options]="lottieConfig" (animCreated)="animCreated($event)"></lottie-animation-view>
And then the function:
animCreated(anim: any) {
this.anim = anim;
console.log('animCreated', anim);
and then later:
animLoad(url) {
console.log('animLoad', url);
if (this.anim) {
this.lottieConfig = {
path: url,
renderer: 'canvas',
autoplay: false,
loop: false
But doesn't seem to work for destroy seems to destroy lottie instance but not reset the angular element.
Inspecting the lottie instance there are these methods available:
addEventListener: ƒ _addEventListener(t,e)
addPendingElement: ƒ ()
adjustSegment: ƒ (t)
advanceTime: ƒ (t)
checkLoaded: ƒ ()
checkSegments: ƒ ()
configAnimation: ƒ (t)
destroy: ƒ (t)
elementLoaded: ƒ ()
getAssetData: ƒ (t)
getAssets: ƒ ()
getAssetsPath: ƒ (t)
getPath: ƒ ()
goToAndPlay: ƒ (t,e,r)
goToAndStop: ƒ (t,e,r)
gotoFrame: ƒ ()
hide: ƒ ()
includeLayers: ƒ (t)
loadNextSegment: ƒ ()
loadSegments: ƒ ()
moveFrame: ƒ (t,e)
pause: ƒ (t)
play: ƒ (t)
playSegments: ƒ (t,e)
remove: ƒ (t)
removeEventListener: ƒ _removeEventListener(t,e)
renderFrame: ƒ ()
resetSegments: ƒ (t)
resize: ƒ ()
setCurrentRawFrameValue: ƒ (t)
setData: ƒ (t,e)
setDirection: ƒ (t)
setParams: ƒ (t)
setSegment: ƒ (t,e)
setSpeed: ƒ (t)
setSubframe: ƒ (t)
show: ƒ ()
stop: ƒ (t)
togglePause: ƒ (t)
trigger: ƒ (t)
triggerEvent: ƒ _triggerEvent(t,e)
updaFrameModifier: ƒ ()
updateAnimation: ƒ (t)
waitForFontsLoaded: ƒ ()
When resetting an animation it looks as though you have to do destroy then loadAnimation:
which ng-loggie doesn't seem to have support for.
I managed to kind of get it working by modifying ng-lottie:
import { Component, Input, OnInit, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild, ElementRef, PLATFORM_ID, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { isPlatformServer } from '@angular/common';
declare let require: any;
const lottie: any = require('lottie-web/build/player/lottie.js');
selector: 'app-lottie-animation-view',
template: `<div #lavContainer [ngStyle]="{'width': viewWidth, 'height': viewHeight, 'overflow':'hidden', 'margin': '0 auto'}"></div>`
export class LottieAnimationViewComponent implements OnInit {
private anim: any;
public viewWidth: string;
public viewHeight: string;
private optionsData: any;
@ViewChild('lavContainer') lavContainer: ElementRef;
@Input() width: number;
@Input() height: number;
set options(options: any) {
this.optionsData = {
container: this.lavContainer.nativeElement,
renderer: options.renderer || 'svg',
loop: options.loop !== false,
autoplay: options.autoplay !== false,
autoloadSegments: options.autoloadSegments !== false,
animationData: options.animationData,
path: options.path || '',
rendererSettings: options.rendererSettings || {}
console.log('optionsData', this.optionsData);
@Output() animCreated: any = new EventEmitter();
@Inject(PLATFORM_ID) private platformId: string
) { }
ngOnInit() {
if (isPlatformServer(this.platformId)) {
load(path?: string) {
if (this.anim) {
if (path) {
this.optionsData.path = path;
this.viewWidth = this.width + 'px' || '100%';
this.viewHeight = this.height + 'px' || '100%';
this.anim = lottie.loadAnimation(this.optionsData);
ngOnDestroy() {
if (this.anim) {
import { LottieAnimationViewModule } from './shared/lottieAnimationView.module';
<app-lottie-animation-view #animation class="animation" [options]="lottieConfig" (animCreated)="animCreated($event)"></app-lottie-animation-view>
Any update on this? I ran into the same issue.