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A Java library that can read or write an spreadsheet file with one line of code

Sep4j = Simple Spreadsheet Processing for Java

It's a wrapper of Apache POI, with which you can do javabeans <-> spreadsheet conversion even more easily.

Quick Start




Map<String, String> headerMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
headerMap.put("userId", "User Id"); // "userId" is a property of the javabeans you are going to save.
			     // "User Id" will be the corresponding column header in the spreadsheet.
headerMap.put("firstName", "First Name");
headerMap.put("lastName", "Last Name");

OutputStream spreadsheetOutputStream = new FileOutputStream("someExcelFile.xlsx");, userList, spreadsheetOutputStream);	
//"spreadsheetOutputStream" can be replaced with "spreadsheetOutputFile" (a object) 	

or if you use Guava, you can just
    ImmutableMap.of("userId", "User Id", "firstName","First Name", "lastName", "Last Name"), 
    userList, spreadsheetOutputStream);

You can even let the program generate a header map for you:, userList, spreadsheetOutputStream);

You will get an spreadsheet file like

User Id First Name Last Name
1 Lei Li
2 Jim Green

Note: All cells generated will be String-Typed Cells.


Map<String, String> reverseHeaderMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
reverseHeaderMap.put("User Id", "userId");  //"User Id" is a column header in the spreadsheet.
					//"userId" is the corresponding property of User class.
reverseHeaderMap.put("First Name", "firstName");
reverseHeaderMap.put("Last Name","lastName");

InputStream spreadsheetInputStream = new FileInputStream("someExcelFile.xlsx");
List<User> users = Ssio.parseIgnoringErrors(reverseHeaderMap, spreadsheetInputStream, User.class); 
//"spreadsheetInputStream" can be replaced with "spreadsheetInputFile" (a object) 	

or if you use Guava, you can just

List<User> users = Ssio.parse(
    ImmutableMap.of("User Id","userId","First Name","firstName","Last Name","lastName"),
    spreadsheetInputStream,  User.class);

You can even let the program guess out a reverseHeaderMap for you

List<User> users = Ssio.parseIgnoringErrors(spreadsheetInputStream, User.class);

Error Handling


List<DatumError> datumErrors = new ArrayList<DatumError>(); //to collect the errors
headerMap.put("fakeProperty", "Fake Property"); //try to write an non-existing property, users, outputStream, "!!ERROR!!", datumErrors); 		
for (DatumError de : datumErrors) {//here to handle the errors
	System.err.println(MessageFormat.format("Error: recordIndex = {0}, 
	propName = \"{1}\", cause = {2}",
	de.getRecordIndex(), de.getPropName(), de.getCause()));			

Will then get an spreadsheet file like 

|User Id|First Name|Last Name|Fake Property|
|1		|Lei		|Li		|!!ERROR!!	|
|2		|Jim		|Green	|!!ERROR!!	|

#### Parse

List<CellError> cellErrors = new ArrayList<CellError>();
	List<User> users = Ssio.parse(reverseHeaderMap, inputStream, cellErrors, User.class);
}catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
	System.err.println("Not a valid spreadsheet file");
} catch (InvalidHeaderRowException e) {
	System.err.println("The column headers of your spreadsheet file do not match what we need");
for (CellError ce : cellErrors) {
	System.err.println(MessageFormat.format("failed to parse a cell: rowIndexOneBased = {0},
	columnIndexOneBased = {1}, propName = \"{2}\", headerText = \"{3}\", cause = {4} ", 
			ce.getPropName(),ce.getHeaderText(), ce.getCause()));

Type Conversions


Sep4j will call the properties' toString() methods to convert a property value to a String, and then write them to an spreadsheet file as String-typed cells.

  • What if I want the property printed another way instead of toString(), for example, to format a date in Chinese style?
    • Create a new, String-typed property in your class by adding a getter method.

private static final class User {
	public String getBirthDayString(){
		if(birthDay == null){
			return null;
		return DateFormatUtils.format(birthDay, "yyyy-MM-dd");			

Also, add it to the header map:

headerMap.put("birthDayString", "Birth Date");
  • Can I let Sep4j produce Numeric-typed cells or another type others than String ?
    • No, you can't. This is how Sep4j keeps itself simple.
    • You can use ssio for that purpose, which was made by the same author.


  • Sep4j will only take cells of the following types. Cells of other types such as formula, blank etc. will be parsed as null values.

    • String
    • Boolean
    • Numeric
    • Date (Actually it is a Numeric cell type + Date cell style)
  • What if a cell is of String type in the spreadsheet, but its corresponding java property is of double?

    • Sep4j will do a guess for you, if the String's format in the cell is a valid number; You don't need another setter. if the String's format in the cell is not a valid number, Sep4j will report a CellError saying "no suitable setter"
  • A property of my class is not of any basic types. For example, it's of List<String>. What to do?

    • Add a String-Typed setter to your class
public void setRoles(String rolesString){
	String[] roleArray = StringUtils.split(rolesString, ",");
  • Null handling
    • Cell with null value will lead to a null property value. However, if the property is of primitive type such as "int", "long", then a CellError will be raised.

Advanced Usages

Deal with Maps instead of Javabeans

In some cases you have a collection of Maps and you don't want to bother creating a class. This can help:

ImmutableMap<String, Object> record1 = ImmutableMap.of("firstName", "Jim", "lastName", "Green");
ImmutableMap<String, Object> record2 = ImmutableMap.of("firstName", "Li", "lastName", "Lei");
List<Map<String,Object>> records = Arrays.asList(record1, record2);
ImmutableMap<String, String> headerMap = ImmutableMap.of("firstName", "First Name", "lastName", "Last Name");
Ssio.saveMaps(headerMap, records, spreadsheetOutputStream);

You can also let sep4j generate a header map for you, by just providing the map's keys

Ssio.saveMaps(Arrays.asList("firstName", "lastName"), records, spreadsheetOutputStream);


Map<String, String> reverseHeaderMap = ImmutableMap.of("User Id", "userId",
				"First Name", "firstName", "Last Name", "lastName");
List<Map<String, String>> users = Ssio.parseToMapsIgnoringErrors(reverseHeaderMap,  inputStream);

Append records to a spreadsheet file

Ssio.appendTo(headerMap, newListToAppend, theFile);


Best Practice for Date-typed properties during parsing

A date column in a spreadsheet may have both String-typed cells and Date-typed cells (common human error). You need to accommodate both.

 * if the cell is of Date type 
 * @param birthDay
public void setBirthDay(Date birthDay) {
	this.birthDay = birthDay;

 * if the cell is of String type
 * @param birthDayString
 * @throws ParseException
public void setBirthDay(String birthDayString) throws ParseException {
	if(birthDayString == null){
	birthDay = DateUtils.parseDate(birthDayString, new String[]{"yyyy-MM-dd"});			