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Supervised Descent Method Apply to Face Alignment, and Head Pose Estimation with Linear Regression. It is cross-platfrom, easily compile in windows, ubuntu, even in Android & iOS.
针对视频做关键点跟踪时,人在静止不动的情况下,68个关键点仍在抖动。请问大约是什么原因导致的?有校正方案或者思路推荐吗? 另外在align_mean函数中, cv::Mat align_mean(cv::Mat mean, cv::Rect facebox, float scaling_x=1.0f, float scaling_y=1.0f, float translation_x=0.0f, float translation_y=0.0f) { using cv::Mat; // Initial estimate x_0: Center the mean face at the [-0.5, 0.5]...
Anyone that has been successful converting to iOS and/or Android, would you mind providing instructions on conversion? I have tried to follow for iOS and have had no luck. Thanks!
hello, thanks much for your project ! There is one problem when train model, in this project where could call function void ldmarkmodel::convert(std::vector &full_eyes_Indexs)?
hi robo 想问下文件labels_ibug_300W_train.xml在哪里,是你自己生成的还是在哪里下载的? Thanks Hanson
“//左右眼睛的四个眼角,鼻尖点,左右两个嘴角,一共七个点,估计头部姿态,2*7+1维度的数据,最小二乘拟合出9个维度的数据,即一个3*3的旋转矩阵 //矩阵大小为15*9 float estimateHeadPoseMat[] = “ 请问一下 9个维度是指?
我用cmake-gui生成之后,用vs2017打开,但在后续生成的时候遇到很多 error LNK2019或error LNK2001这样的错误,怎么解决?