StructWalk.jl copied to clipboard
Transform functions for Julia struct. Can be viewed as a general version of MacroTools
's prewalk
or Functors
's @functor
Basic usage
In this first example, we walk over a struct xs
, applying a function f
which increments integers.
Using prewalk
, f
sees the node first and then the transformed leaves.
Using postwalk
, f
sees the leaves first and then the transformed node:
xs = (a=2, b=(c=4, d=0))
f(x) = x
f(x::Integer) = x + 1
julia> postwalk(x -> f(@show(x)), xs) # w/o printing: postwalk(f, xs)
x = 2
x = 4
x = 0
x = (c = 5, d = 1)
x = (a = 3, b = (c = 5, d = 1))
(a = 3, b = (c = 5, d = 1))
julia> prewalk(x -> f(@show(x)), xs)
x = (a = 2, b = (c = 4, d = 0))
x = 2
x = (c = 4, d = 0)
x = 4
x = 0
(a = 3, b = (c = 5, d = 1))
Since prewalk
and postwalk
differ in the order of function application, return values can differ as well:
g(x::Integer) = x + 1
g(x::Tuple) = x .* 2
julia> postwalk(x -> g(@show(x)), (3, 5))
x = 3
x = 5
x = (4, 6)
(8, 12)
julia> prewalk(x -> g(@show(x)), (3, 5))
x = (3, 5)
x = 6
x = 10
(7, 11)
To avoid infinite recursion using prewalk
, return values can be wrapped in StructWalk.LeafNode
In the following example, this is required to avoid recursion over the Integer
fields of the Rational
number struct:
julia> postwalk((3, 5)) do x
if x isa Integer
return x // 2
elseif x isa Tuple
return Pair(x .+ 1...)
return x
x = 3
x = 5
x = (3//2, 5//2)
5//2 => 7//2
julia> prewalk((3, 5)) do x
if x isa Integer
return StructWalk.LeafNode(x // 2)
elseif x isa Tuple
return Pair(x .+ 1...)
return x
x = (3, 5)
x = 4
x = 6
2//1 => 3//1
Structural replace
julia> xs = (a=3, b=(w=3, b=0))
(a = 3, b = (w = 3, b = 0))
julia> postwalk(xs) do x
if x isa NamedTuple{(:w, :b)}
return x[1]=>x[2]
return x
(a = 3, b = 3 => 0)
More examples
using StructWalk
import StructWalk: WalkStyle, walkstyle
struct FunctorStyle <: WalkStyle end
StructWalk.children(::FunctorStyle, x::AbstractArray) = ()
struct Foo{X, Y}
struct Baz
StructWalk.constructor(::FunctorStyle, b::Baz) = Base.Fix2(Baz, b.y)
StructWalk.children(::FunctorStyle, b::Baz) = (b.x,)
myfmap(f, x) = mapleaves(f, FunctorStyle(), x)
julia> foo = Foo(1, [1, 2, 3])
Foo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}(1, [1, 2, 3])
julia> postwalk(x-> x isa Integer ? float(x) : x, FunctorStyle(), foo)
Foo{Float64, Vector{Int64}}(1.0, [1, 2, 3])
julia> myfmap(float, foo)
Foo{Float64, Vector{Float64}}(1.0, [1.0, 2.0, 3.0])
julia> baz = Baz(1, 2)
Baz(1, 2)
julia> myfmap(float, baz)
Baz(1.0, 2)
julia> using CUDA; myfmap(, foo)
Foo{Int64, CuArray{Int64, 1, CUDA.Mem.DeviceBuffer}}(1, [1, 2, 3])