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how to write my ipxegrldr.ipxe script
I boot ipxegrldr
from pxe server, howerver it can't found (pd)/menu.lst
But I could load config file from http source.
Can I write my ipxe script ?
Thanks a lot.
But I could load config file from http source. Success is good.
Can I write my ipxe script ? Don't get it. Write for yourself, no problem.
Yes I found a way.
Instead of using ipxegrldr, I boot it in this order: pxe
-> local grldr
-> ipxe.lkrn
-> ipxe grldr
I can load grub4dos from ipxe with this ipxe script:
chain /grub4dos/0.4.6a/grldr keeppxe --config-file="configfile (pd)/grub4dos/menu.lst"
You can vall ipxe from Grub4Dos with:
title iPXE loading menu.ipxe
pxe keep
kernel (pd)/ipxe.lkrn
initrd (pd)/default.ipxe
I tried the same from pxelinux.0, but i cannot make it work, it load grldr but not the menu, but pxe stack in there... it cannot load the loal menu because it only look for it in 3 specific locations from the executable: menu.lst, boot/grub/menu.lst, grub/menu.lst, -c and -p are not taken into account...
LABEL grub4dos
KERNEL pxechn.c32 ::grub4dos/0.4.6a/grldr -c xxxx.lst -S
APPEND keeppxe --config-file="reboot"
I did have problems with relative path too there...