I had exactly the same problem and spent the whole day trying to figure it out. What's worse is that like mentioned, there are no errors. If anyone is using...
@Dirbaio this can also be closed with #1145
Beware that this firmware still has major frame loss issues. Fetching a long list of UAVCAN parameters fails atleast 25% of the time and with heavy bus load it is...
Having the same issue with `ATtiny426`, compiling throws `avr-gcc: error: device-specs/specs-attiny426: No such file or directory`. The suggested line in `platformio.ini` fixed the issue, thanks!
I finally got to the point of capturing a JPEG image using Rust: https://github.com/lit-robotics/libcamera-rs. It is still missing some less common functions, but general functionality like all control and property...
I used MIT/Apache as that is standard for Rust projects and I think it is fine since I'm dynamic linking with LGPL library. Regarding integrating with libcamera, I think that...
I'm using bxCAN and it supports loopback only in debug mode (RX is disconnected). However, I'm aiming for a similar implementation as in the old [`libuavcan`](https://github.com/OpenCyphal-Garage/platform_specific_components/blob/legacy-v0/stm32/libuavcan/driver/src/uc_stm32_can.cpp#L684), where loopback is implemented...
To complicate things even more, STM32F4 series have different sector sizes for different regions ([reference](https://www.st.com/resource/en/reference_manual/dm00031020-stm32f405-415-stm32f407-417-stm32f427-437-and-stm32f429-439-advanced-arm-based-32-bit-mcus-stmicroelectronics.pdf) page 77). So the `ERASE_SIZE` is dependent on the address. Would it make sense to...
At least in my experience systick is mostly used as a debug tool to measure code execution performance and clock ticks. Hence, it is often used in random parts of...
Ah I see. I really liked the watermark idea from the linked issue since it would work with heap and could also report approximate stack usage. Any reasons for not...