Results 464 comments of chegewara

I have no idea how to describe it better. I am using vanilla example, with just delay() in loop to avoid WDT. The only difference between my test and yours...

Sorry, ive been sick and i had no time to confirm it, but it is still not solved to me. I am not using arduino examples, so its not important...

> Stack canary watchpoint triggered (BTU_TASK) but i dont see anything which could lead to this issue

If i understand you want to use standard bluetooth keyboard to connect with esp32 and on esp32 read it. To simplify code we can just assume that keyboard has all...

> Has anyone completed something here in the meantime? Yes > Building a Bluetooth to USB HID Gateway in order to use the same bluetooth peripherals with multiple computers on...

You have to use the same callback. Here is how parameter structure looks like: ``` typedef struct { esp_bd_addr_t bd_addr; /*!< BD address peer device. */ bool key_present; /*!< Valid...

I dont know that error description, but you could open issue on esp-idf or even try to find old issue.

It is good practice to erase flash every time when you work with ble security, also you should clear pairing on smartphone each time. If you wont do that it...

I have implemented ping functionality fairly easy. Just i have to do some more test to see why code is crashing after about 50 minutes. @MrBuddyCasino If you wish i...

Based on your code i started this task in alexa.c: `xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(delayed_server_ping_task, "ping", 2048, NULL, 5, NULL, 0); ` ``` #define TICKS_TO_DELAY 4 * 60 * 1000 void delayed_server_ping_task(void* p){ TickType_t...