Results 464 comments of chegewara

Hi, sorry for lack of support recently (esp32 related), but i have full time job now and i dont work with other projects/libraries. I would have to do some deeper...

You should to decode backtrace first. Im not sure, but try to not call `USBSerial.flush();` from withing callback.

`USBSerial.write(i);` is returning value, if its 0 then its not sent. Maybe try to check return value.

The CDC class inherit from Stream: `class EspTinyUSB : public Stream` but i never been testing it actually, i just assumed it should works. It is possible that print, printf...

Sorry, i am not working with USB for very long time now (over 12-18 months i think), so i cant answer your questions, especially that original tinyusb library is still...

Well, its not very helpful, but you could try to add `delay(1)` after this line: Wiring is the same for host and device mode.

The problem is that this library was designed before arduino-esp32 by espressif and those 2 are not compatible. Upload over USB should work if you disable it in tool menus...