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windows_zipfile Archives with Subdirectories and Path Declaration

Open michaeltlombardi opened this issue 7 years ago • 10 comments

Cookbook version


Chef-client version


Platform Details

Windows 2012R2x64, x64-mingw32


Attempting to download a zip of a directory with subdirectories from S3 and automatically unzip into C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules or C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules

Method One Gist

windows_zipfile 'C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules' do
  source 's3_url_to_module_zip'
  checksum 'module_zip_checksum
  action :unzip
  not_if {"C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/cCDROMdriveletter")}

Method Two gist

windows_zipfile 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' do
  source 's3_url_to_module_zip'
  checksum 'module_zip_checksum
  action :unzip
  not_if {"C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/cCDROMdriveletter")}

Steps to Reproduce:

Create a minimal recipe which attempts to use windows_zipfile to download the module zip and expand it.

Expected Result:

The file is automatically downloaded and unzipped.

Actual Result:

Invalid argument @ rb_sysopen - C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/cCDROMdriveletter\1.1.0\DSCResources\

Per @smurawski's suggestion, I retested with the following:

windows_zipfile 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' do
  source 's3_url_to_module_zip'
  checksum 'module_zip_checksum
  action :unzip
  not_if {"C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/cCDROMdriveletter")}

~~This was successful.~~ Upon further testing, this is also a failure mode, I was mistaken. The toplevel folder was created and so thereafter passed the not_if condition and skipped this resource. The error for this item is the same as before:

Invalid argument @ rb_sysopen - C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules/cCDROMdriveletter\1.1.0\DSCResources


We should update the behavior of the resource to function with both forward and backward slashes for zipped archives which include subfolders.

I'm absolutely willing to submit a PR ~~for the docs update in the next 24h or~~ and try my hand at updating the resource itself in the next week or so.

michaeltlombardi avatar Mar 29 '17 21:03 michaeltlombardi

Here's the debug output for reference.

michaeltlombardi avatar Mar 30 '17 13:03 michaeltlombardi

@michaeltlombardi I cannot replicate this with the same resource with forward or backword slashes when downloading the same module from github.

windows_zipfile 'C:/Program Files/WindowsPowerShell/Modules' do
  source ''
  action :unzip


windows_zipfile 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' do
  source ''
  action :unzip

worked with the latest version of the cookbook on supermarket (3.0.4).

Can you validate your zipfile has the correct contents/is a valid zip file?

smurawski avatar Mar 30 '17 22:03 smurawski

Just validated the zip, everything is alright with it - unzips fine for me. I'll test with the same URL you have listed here and see if there's any difference.

michaeltlombardi avatar Mar 31 '17 14:03 michaeltlombardi

@michaeltlombardi and I were just testing further and found that the unzip function does not like archives made with PowerShellGet's Save-Module. This seems more like a problem with the upstream rubyzip gem.

We could (depending on the version of PowerShell/.NET on the box, attempt to extract with either Expand-Archive (PowerShell 5 or newer) or [System.IO.Compression] (if .NET 4 or greater), then fall back to rubyzip.

smurawski avatar Mar 31 '17 15:03 smurawski

The way I generated the zip:

Find-Module -Name cCDROMdriveletter -Repository PSGallery | Save-Module -Path ./Modules
Compress-Archive -Path ./Modules/cCDROMdriveletter -DestinationPath ./Modules/

So it might be an issue with Compress-Archive instead of Save-Module - Save-Module just downloads the files into a local folder.

michaeltlombardi avatar Mar 31 '17 15:03 michaeltlombardi

It does seem to be an issue specifically with zips created using Compress-Archive. I have the same problem with zips created using Compress-Archive, but not with zips created using [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::CreateFromDirectory. It seems that when windows_zipfile tries to unzip files created with Compress-Archive, the first path separator in the destination path is always a forward slash.

aprice avatar Aug 25 '17 14:08 aprice

I think i may have found a work around to this issue, i just encountered it and after much work to try and fix it i have found that changing the section here: to the following block fixes the issue. do |zip|
    zip.each do |entry|
    path = ::File.join(new_resource.path,

    dirname = path.slice(-1) == '/' || path.slice(-1) == '\\' ? path : ::File.dirname(path)

    if new_resource.overwrite && ::File.exist?(path) && !
    zip.extract(entry, path) unless ::File.exist?(path)

It would seem that some archives are created with folders that are treated as files and rubyzip tries to extract the directory as a file but the path does not yet exist yet. the mkdir_p doesnt create the right directory since a file path 'c:\something\thing' in these zips gets cut to 'c:\something' by ::File.dirname(path) since by design it strips the last component to get the directory name.

The workaround above should work with either path separator (i added both path separators since archives internally could have either or in the archive and we should handle both) although i have not tested it extensively.

If this solution is acceptable i can submit a PR with the fix.

An example archive for testing which is publicly available and made big a big company (Elastic) is:

axelrtgs avatar Oct 09 '18 18:10 axelrtgs

Just encountered this attempting to use windows_zipfile with the 6.4.2 Metricbeat package from Elastic. Workaround was to use powershell_script resource instead. This was a head-scratcher b/c interestingly enough, the 6.3.2 package worked fine with windows_zipfile; assuming they changed their compression process between then and 6.4.2.

Windows cookbook: 5.1.5

mxmxx avatar Nov 16 '18 20:11 mxmxx

I've found the same issue with all the latest Elastic beats packages.

adybuxton avatar Jan 24 '19 17:01 adybuxton

Confirming this issue still exists with Elastic beats package on Server 2019/Win10

ValkyrieOps avatar Sep 18 '20 21:09 ValkyrieOps