cuda-PHDSLAM copied to clipboard
PHD Filter SLAM with CUDA
This project is still very much a work in progress; nevertheless, for the brave souls who would like to attempt running this code here are some pointers:
--------Dependencies------ CUDA 3.2 or greater, including the CUDA-SDK Boost 1.4.7 or greater Qt 4.x.x (for compiling with qmake only)
-------Compiling--------- Run qmake to generate makefiles. Then, type 'make -w' to compile the code. The resulting executables will be placed in the bin/ directory. There are some convenience shell scripts included for building and running in one go.
--------Configuring------- Options are set in the file cfg/config.cfg. There is some documentation for the different options at the top of the file.
---------Data---------- At minimum, two text files for simulation data are required. One should contain the range-bearing measurements, and the other should contain the Ackerman steering control inputs. For both files, each line represents the inputs for a particular time step.
Range-bearing measurements are grouped as follows: Range1 Bearing1 Range2 Bearing2 ... RangeM BearingM
Optionally, two further text files may be specified which contain the timestamps in seconds for the controls and measurements. They must have the same number of lines as the respective data files.
---------Output------------- Output log files are placed in a folder with the time of the simulation start. The main files of interest are those names state_estimatexxxxx.log, which consist of 5 lines:
- The expected vehicle pose [x y heading vx vy vheading]
- The estimated landmark map (MAP or EAP depending on config)
- Log particle weights
- Particle poses
- Cardinality distribution (CPHD only)
The MATLAB script plotPhdSlam.m, found in the matlab/ folder, can assist in visualizing the results.
Good Luck! Chee Sing Lee 24 January 2012