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Support for custom implementation of success/fail 3DS redirects

Open ldokuzov opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

Right now it is not possible to have custom Success/Fail native screen following input of 3DS password. We are only able to either use the payment form or have web success/fail URL redirects which are triggered based on the results

I would like to call chkoutApi.3dsecure(redirectLink, successFailCallback), which will launch a webview and close it upon success/fail without redirecting user to specific URLs from the hub,but instead invoking the callback so we can show native screen implementation.

For now we could inspect the URL redirects and close the webview and show the according screens. This is tricky because any change in the success/fail URL redirects will result in a breaking change.

ldokuzov avatar Jul 17 '20 11:07 ldokuzov

Hey @ldokuzov, we know that Native 3DS handling is a big conversion killer for merchants and it's one of our highest priority items to work on.

We're hoping to work on this in the next 6 months - and once I've got more concrete dates and information, I'll loop back on this.

In the meantime - thank you for your patience, and if you have any other feedback for the SDKs please do reach out to me.

patrick-hoban-cko avatar Apr 27 '22 09:04 patrick-hoban-cko