Michael Mestnik

Results 128 comments of Michael Mestnik

Do we see the need [to specify chunked](https://github.com/globaleaks/Tor2web/blob/master/tor2web/t2w.py#L1073)? According to wikipedia anytime using HTTP 1.1 this is an option and it is not necessary to specify. Nore does it seem...

After some testing I've decided that chunked encoding is not important. It may not be supported by 1.0 clients, but we don't need to go out of our way to...

I've had some success writing a [test suite](https://github.com/cheako/tor2web/blob/6f838cb39df2d29cbfdbd5a26e2e993f832ad977/tx/Asocks5.t#L27). Currently the tests are [passing](https://travis-ci.org/cheako/tor2web/builds/264639299#L678). The suite consists of a home-made socks server that prints test results it's collected to a client...

Take a look at [this patch](https://github.com/cheako/Tor2web-1/commit/b23105a9f4700db076997db8ca8e9bcace2dc1d6.patch). There are a handful of TODO items, once these are done we can begin hacking tx/Dbasic.t and tx/Asocks5.t to actually have a conversation through...

I'm confused by this error msg: https://travis-ci.org/cheako/Tor2web-1/builds/265050936#L9414 Unhandled error in Deferred: Traceback (most recent call last): Failure: twisted.spread.pb.PBConnectionLost: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection was closed cleanly.]...

I'm camping for the next week, so the pace of development on this will all but stop. This is a good chance to catch up on the changes.

See: https://github.com/cheako/tor2web/wiki/Code-Explination

This is coming along, there is currently more code than tests. I'm really excited about the progress on this.

Worth sharing, 112kb of code and the ci proving it does something. Take a look and open issues or make comments. 1. Code https://github.com/cheako/tor2web/tree/6b5c527ffb977995bd9d1e727ea9b86da30bf6f3/src 1. Make Comments https://github.com/cheako/tor2web/commit/6b5c527ffb977995bd9d1e727ea9b86da30bf6f3 1. See...

I've come to the point where I need to mangle the hostnames and I was looking at the existing configuration and I couldn't understand it. https://github.com/globaleaks/Tor2web/blob/9abd3e256f1f5948474383de4fa2b29665af4785/tor2web/t2w.py#L121 I like the idea...