helm-push copied to clipboard
values.yaml comment can not push
I pushed a chart to repo, but the comment of values.yaml can not be pushed, when the apiVersion in charts.yaml is v2
, not v1
values.yaml conent:
## nginx configuration
## Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress/blob/master/controllers/nginx/configuration.md
repository: us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/ingress-nginx/controller
tag: "v0.34.1"
digest: sha256:0e072dddd1f7f8fc8909a2ca6f65e76c5f0d2fcfb8be47935ae3457e8bbceb20
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# www-data -> uid 101
runAsUser: 101
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
# Configures the ports the nginx-controller listens on
http: 80
https: 443
# Will add custom configuration options to Nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/nginx-configuration/configmap/
config: {}
## Annotations to be added to the controller config configuration configmap
configAnnotations: {}
the content after push to repo:
repository: us.gcr.io/k8s-artifacts-prod/ingress-nginx/controller
tag: "v0.34.1"
digest: sha256:0e072dddd1f7f8fc8909a2ca6f65e76c5f0d2fcfb8be47935ae3457e8bbceb20
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
runAsUser: 101
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
http: 80
https: 443
config: {}
configAnnotations: {}
Output of helm version
version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.3.3", GitCommit:"55e3ca022e40fe200fbc855938995f40b2a68ce0", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.14.9"}
Output of kubectl version
version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"15", GitVersion:"v1.15.2", GitCommit:"f6278300bebbb750328ac16ee6dd3aa7d3549568", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-08-05T16:54:35Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}
Cloud Provider/Platform (AKS, GKE, Minikube etc.):
cc @dellkeji
test for push chart by api or helm push plugin:
by api
curl -F "[email protected]" http://test.com/api/test/charts
the comments in values.yaml are exist
enabled: false
annotations: {}
# kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx
# kubernetes.io/tls-acme: "true"
path: /
- chart-example.local
tls: []
# - secretName: chart-example-tls
# hosts:
# - chart-example.local
by helm push plugin
helm push chart-0.1.38.tgz test
the comments in values.yaml are deleted
push plugin version 0.8.1
Got the same question