pop icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pop copied to clipboard

Send emails from your terminal 📬


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Send emails from your terminal.

pop mail text-based client

Text-based User Interface

Launch the TUI


Command Line Interface

pop < message.md \
    --from "[email protected]" \
    --to "[email protected]" \
    --subject "Hello, world!" \
    --attach invoice.pdf
pop mail command line client
Resend and Charm logos

To use pop, you will need a RESEND_API_KEY or configure an SMTP host.

You can grab one from: https://resend.com/api-keys.

Resend Configuration

To use the resend delivery method, set the RESEND_API_KEY environment variable.


SMTP Configuration

To configure pop to use SMTP, you can set the following environment variables.

export POP_SMTP_HOST=smtp.gmail.com
export POP_SMTP_PORT=587
export [email protected]
export POP_SMTP_PASSWORD=hunter2


To avoid typing your From: email address, you can also set the POP_FROM environment to pre-fill the field anytime you launch pop.

export [email protected]
export POP_SIGNATURE="Sent with [Pop](https://github.com/charmbracelet/pop)!"

Note: If you wish to use a resend account without a custom domain, you can use [email protected] to send emails.


Use a package manager:

# macOS or Linux
brew install pop

# Nix
nix-env -iA nixpkgs.pop

# Arch (btw)
yay -S charm-pop-bin

Install with Go:

go install github.com/charmbracelet/pop@latest

Or download a binary from the releases.


Pop can be combined with other tools to create powerful email pipelines, such as:


Use mods with pop to write an email body with AI:

Note: Use the --preview flag to preview the email and make changes before sending.

pop <<< "$(mods -f 'Explain why CLIs are awesome')" \
    --subject "The command line is the best" \
Generate email with mods and send email with pop.


Use gum with pop to choose an email to send to and from:

pop --from $(gum choose "[email protected]" "[email protected]" "[email protected]")
    --to $(gum filter < contacts.txt)
Select contact information with gum and send email with pop.


Use invoice with pop to generate and send invoices entirely from the command line.

invoice generate --item "Rubber Ducky" --rate 25 --quantity 2 --output $FILENAME
pop --attach $FILENAME --body "See attached invoice."
Generate invoice with invoice and attach file and send email with pop.


We’d love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note!



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