bubbles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bubbles copied to clipboard

Filter underline seems to be off

Open u0nel opened this issue 2 years ago • 8 comments


This is in the list example. The s should be underlined, not the t.

u0nel avatar Mar 06 '22 17:03 u0nel

Hey @u0nel,

Do you have any steps you can provide for us to replicate the issue?

bashbunni avatar Apr 08 '22 21:04 bashbunni

https://github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea/blob/master/examples/list-default/main.go If you run this, and search for "gaffers" the "t" in "tape" is underlined, even though it's not in the search query.

u0nel avatar Apr 09 '22 06:04 u0nel

I have this issue too, this seems to happen when the FilterValue() method filters on anything other than the "main" line.

(running bubbles 0.10.3)

File to reproduce the issue (modified from examples/list-fancy)
package main

import (

	tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"

var (
	appStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().Padding(1, 2)

	titleStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
			Padding(0, 1)

	statusMessageStyle = lipgloss.NewStyle().
				Foreground(lipgloss.AdaptiveColor{Light: "#04B575", Dark: "#04B575"}).

type item struct {
	title       string
	description string

func (i item) Title() string       { return i.title }
func (i item) Description() string { return i.description }
func (i item) FilterValue() string { return i.description }

type listKeyMap struct {
	toggleSpinner    key.Binding
	toggleTitleBar   key.Binding
	toggleStatusBar  key.Binding
	togglePagination key.Binding
	toggleHelpMenu   key.Binding
	insertItem       key.Binding

func newListKeyMap() *listKeyMap {
	return &listKeyMap{
		insertItem: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("a", "add item"),
		toggleSpinner: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("s", "toggle spinner"),
		toggleTitleBar: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("T", "toggle title"),
		toggleStatusBar: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("S", "toggle status"),
		togglePagination: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("P", "toggle pagination"),
		toggleHelpMenu: key.NewBinding(
			key.WithHelp("H", "toggle help"),

type model struct {
	list          list.Model
	itemGenerator *randomItemGenerator
	keys          *listKeyMap
	delegateKeys  *delegateKeyMap

func newModel() model {
	var (
		itemGenerator randomItemGenerator
		delegateKeys  = newDelegateKeyMap()
		listKeys      = newListKeyMap()

	// Make initial list of items
	const numItems = 24
	items := make([]list.Item, numItems)
	for i := 0; i < numItems; i++ {
		items[i] = itemGenerator.next()

	// Setup list
	delegate := newItemDelegate(delegateKeys)
	groceryList := list.New(items, delegate, 0, 0)
	groceryList.Title = "Groceries"
	groceryList.Styles.Title = titleStyle
	groceryList.AdditionalFullHelpKeys = func() []key.Binding {
		return []key.Binding{

	return model{
		list:          groceryList,
		keys:          listKeys,
		delegateKeys:  delegateKeys,
		itemGenerator: &itemGenerator,

func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
	return tea.EnterAltScreen

func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
	var cmds []tea.Cmd

	switch msg := msg.(type) {
	case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
		h, v := appStyle.GetFrameSize()
		m.list.SetSize(msg.Width-h, msg.Height-v)

	case tea.KeyMsg:
		// Don't match any of the keys below if we're actively filtering.
		if m.list.FilterState() == list.Filtering {

		switch {
		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.toggleSpinner):
			cmd := m.list.ToggleSpinner()
			return m, cmd

		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.toggleTitleBar):
			v := !m.list.ShowTitle()
			return m, nil

		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.toggleStatusBar):
			return m, nil

		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.togglePagination):
			return m, nil

		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.toggleHelpMenu):
			return m, nil

		case key.Matches(msg, m.keys.insertItem):
			newItem := m.itemGenerator.next()
			insCmd := m.list.InsertItem(0, newItem)
			statusCmd := m.list.NewStatusMessage(statusMessageStyle("Added " + newItem.Title()))
			return m, tea.Batch(insCmd, statusCmd)

	// This will also call our delegate's update function.
	newListModel, cmd := m.list.Update(msg)
	m.list = newListModel
	cmds = append(cmds, cmd)

	return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)

func (m model) View() string {
	return appStyle.Render(m.list.View())

func main() {

	if err := tea.NewProgram(newModel()).Start(); err != nil {
		fmt.Println("Error running program:", err)

pyrho avatar Apr 13 '22 23:04 pyrho

Ah perfect, thank you so much. I will file this as a bug

bashbunni avatar Apr 14 '22 01:04 bashbunni

Sorry I think I misread the original issue, what I'm experiencing is a bit different, see my screenshot (text from the title is underlined, instead of the description)


pyrho avatar Apr 14 '22 08:04 pyrho

The string indices to be highlighted are determined here. The DefaultFilter function uses this fuzzy search library.

At first I assumed fuzzy was incorrect, but with a simple test I couldn't reproduce the issue. Only after copy-pasting directly from the sample code did I see the following:


It looks like the examples use a non-standard apostrophe character which breaks the fuzzy search library. After replacing it with the standard apostrophe it works as expected.

evan-buss avatar Apr 15 '22 01:04 evan-buss

In that case it sounds like this is an issue upstream in sahilm/fuzzy, but we should check directly.

’ (U+2019) is a valid unicode character and, typographically speaking, it's a literal apostrophe, whereas ' (U+0027) is technically a foot mark. Regardless, such unicode characters shouldn't break filtering.

meowgorithm avatar Apr 15 '22 01:04 meowgorithm

I cloned the fuzzy repository, added a test for this specific issue, and confirmed that it failed. I agree that it should be resolved upstream, unfortunately it looks like the library isn't maintained anymore (no commits in the last 2 years). Not sure what the solution is.

evan-buss avatar Apr 15 '22 15:04 evan-buss