tesseract copied to clipboard
Failed to find library \"liblept1753.so\" for platform x64.
I am using below code for getting text from image
using System; using System.Drawing; using Tesseract;
namespace MalleshwariProjects { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); var engine = new TesseractEngine("./tessdata", "eng", EngineMode.Default); using (var pix = Pix.LoadFromFile(@"/Users/prkotagi/Desktop/Test.bmp")) { Page page = engine.Process(pix, PageSegMode.Auto); string result = page.GetText(); Console.WriteLine(result);
I am using .net 5 framework with Tesseract 3.02 and Tessdata files 3.0.2 and visual studio is 2019 on mac os.
I have the same problem with: Failed to find library "libleptonica-1.80.0.so" for platform x64. Please mark me if anyone resolve this issue
I am also having same problem while installing in IIS. System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Failed to find library "leptonica-1.80.0.dll" for platform x64.
While working locally it works.
I had the same issue and after a lot of pulling hairs, and searching forums, I found out that there where created two folders (x86, x64) in my bin directory, that I didn't saw. I do not use publish function, I'm uploading everything by ftp, so... there it is. If anyone has the same issue again.