pylonGPS copied to clipboard
how it works...
Hi, I'm trying to play with pylongps work but I don't understand everything.
I'm start the caster
I'm start the transceiver.
./bin/transceiver -read_tcp 3000 -output_basestation 45.99 -1.02 RTCM_V3 CT 1
I can see my base appearing in the list : CT
root@267b5eb241ac:/pylonGPS-master# ./bin/transceiver
Caster: ID: Name: Format: Class: Rate: Lat: Lon:
0 16871 D_UB_MSI_L RAW COMMUNITY 1 47.1739 8.5182
0 16895 CT RTCM_V3 COMMUNITY 1 45.99 -1.02
But how do I connect to the caster and use it, I use an emlid reach, I don't understand which port to use or if I need to send a new command to transceiver?
What do you try to set up ? I understand you intend to use an emlid reach. In what role ? What is provider, what is consumer of data ? In any case, transceiver is used for both roles, sender and receiver. Caster is the distribution point / hub.
I want to do this :
8 bases Rtk emlid reach (and more after), the first working with NTRIP and send data to rtk2go: The goal is to be autonomous and open the network for research institutes and the general public.
In reception, they will also be emlidreach for experimental measurements and tractor autosteer
I want to cast all the bases and have only one address and mounts points. In addition, if it is feasible, have a flow rtcm3 according to my position (which chose me the right base. There will be tens of simultaneous users per base.
That's the idea .
In this case, may i introduce you to a project i started working on a few months ago: / . The basestation you saw in addition to yours in transceiver is one of my test stations. Essentially the goal is to make cost effective community basestations as automated as possible. Currently the situation is the essentials for basestation are completed such that two neighbouring stations will continuously improve each other location and broadcast data via pylon. NTRIP i hope to be able to avoid for its closed kind, and similarily i do not intend to use rtk2go. If a ersonable NTRIP caster software can be found i will integrate. bases will broadcast multipe streams. 1) Raw data 2) RTCM3 converted raw data 3) location only RTCM MSG 1006 4) combined RTCM raw and location. Other channels may be added for correction data only. the project is open to contributions and feedback and should serve this purpose well.
Regarding your original question though, i'm not 100% how to answer yet in case you want to continue as standalone project. In either case, there would be 1 central caster, and at least initially you can use (or as your caster. On both your bases, and on your clients you would use transceiver with different configuration. They send data via caster.
Maybe you can tell which devices are connected.