Charles Martin
Charles Martin
See RBM_Baseline_Ominglot.ipynb
See how the parameters affect the convergence of the free energy
The issue here is when the Power Law displays finite-size effects, causing the tail to decay slower than expected for the scale-free portion of the PDF, and yielding alpha sometimes...
There are number of models for dealing with the cutoff or finite-size-effects that arise in when trying to model real world, finite data with a simple power law distribution. Here's...
What I mean is what is the intent of the normalization to be used, since this thread is asking if there is a bug in the choice of normalization?
I take it then that there is indeed a bug in the normalization of the PDF, when xmax is set explicitly? If so, and you make a change, it would...
The current research uses the existing implementation of the normalization of the PDF, even when xmax is set explicitly: See: Old code versions become stale and difficult to support...
**I expected that it was finding the optimal alpha, using the Clauset MLE approach, as described in this paper** **and with the normalization as described in the paper** **According...
If there is a general way to cut the dropping part of the tail off (i.e to set xmax), that would be helpful
Binarized data is