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YAML support for kotlinx.serialization


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What is this?

This library adds YAML support to kotlinx.serialization.

Currently, only Kotlin/JVM is supported. (Follow this issue for a discussion of adding support for other targets.)

YAML version 1.2 is supported.

Usage samples

Parsing from YAML to a Kotlin object

data class Team(
    val leader: String,
    val members: List<String>

val input = """
        leader: Amy
          - Bob
          - Cindy
          - Dan

val result = Yaml.default.decodeFromString(Team.serializer(), input)


Serializing from a Kotlin object to YAML

data class Team(
    val leader: String,
    val members: List<String>

val input = Team("Amy", listOf("Bob", "Cindy", "Dan"))

val result = Yaml.default.encodeToString(Team.serializer(), input)


Parsing into YamlNode

It is possible to parse a string or an InputStream directly into a YamlNode, for example the following code prints Cindy.

val input = """
        leader: Amy
          - Bob
          - Cindy
          - Dan

val result = Yaml.default.parseToYamlNode(input)


Referencing kaml

Add the following to your Gradle build script:

Groovy DSL

plugins {
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm' version '1.4.20'
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization' version '1.4.20'

dependencies {
  implementation "com.charleskorn.kaml:kaml:<version number here>" // Get the latest version number from https://github.com/charleskorn/kaml/releases/latest

Kotlin DSL

plugins {
    kotlin("jvm") version "1.4.20"
    kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "1.4.20"

dependencies {
  implementation("com.charleskorn.kaml:kaml:<version number here>") // Get the latest version number from https://github.com/charleskorn/kaml/releases/latest

Check the releases page for the latest release information, and the Maven Central page for examples of how to reference the library in other build systems.


  • Supports most major YAML features:

  • Supports parsing YAML to Kotlin objects (deserializing) and writing Kotlin objects as YAML (serializing)

  • Supports kotlinx.serialization's polymorphism for sealed and unsealed types

    Two styles are available (set YamlConfiguration.polymorphismStyle when creating an instance of Yaml):

    • using YAML tags to specify the type:

        - !<frontend>
          hostname: a.mycompany.com
        - !<backend>
          database: db-1
    • using a type property to specify the type:

        - type: frontend
          hostname: a.mycompany.com
        - type: backend
          database: db-1

    The fragments above could be generated with:

    sealed class Server {
      data class Frontend(val hostname: String)
      data class Backend(val database: String)
    data class Config(val servers: List<Server>)
    val config = Config(listOf(
    val result = Yaml.default.encodeToString(Config.serializer(), config)
  • Supports Docker Compose-style extension fields

    x-common-labels: &common-labels
        owned-by: [email protected]
        cost-centre: myteam
        <<: *common-labels
        kind: frontend
        <<: *common-labels
        kind: backend
      # server-b and server-c are equivalent
          owned-by: [email protected]
          cost-centre: myteam
        kind: backend

    Specify the extension prefix by setting YamlConfiguration.extensionDefinitionPrefix when creating an instance of Yaml (eg. "x-" for the example above).

    Extensions can only be defined at the top level of a document, and only if the top level element is a map or object. Any key starting with the extension prefix must have an anchor defined (&...) and will not be included in the deserialised value.

Contributing to kaml

Pull requests and bug reports are always welcome!

kaml uses Batect to simplify development environment setup:

  • To build the library: ./batect build
  • To run the tests and static analysis tools: ./batect check
  • To run the tests and static analysis tools continuously: ./batect continuousCheck

Other commands are available by running ./batect --list-tasks

Reference links