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🍜 undo/redo middleware for zustand. <700 bytes

🍜 Zundo

enable time-travel in your apps. undo/redo middleware for zustand. built with zustand.

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First create a store with undo middleware

This returns the familiar store accessible by a hook! But now your store tracks past actions.

import create, { UndoState } from 'zundo';

// define the store (typescript)
interface StoreState extends UndoState {
  bears: number;
  increasePopulation: () => void;
  removeAllBears: () => void;

// creates a store with undo/redo capability
const useStoreWithUndo = create<StoreState>((set) => ({
  bears: 0,
  increasePopulation: () => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
  removeAllBears: () => set({ bears: 0 }),

Then bind your components

Use your store anywhere, including undo, redo, and clear!

const App = () => {
  const { bears, increasePopulation, removeAllBears, undo, redo, clear } =

  return (
      bears: {bears}
      <button onClick={increasePopulation}>increase</button>
      <button onClick={removeAllBears}>remove</button>
      <button onClick={undo}>undo</button>
      <button onClick={redo}>redo</button>
      <button onClick={clear}>clear</button>

Alternatively, use the middleware

Instead of using create from zundo, use the zundo middleware and the zustand create.

import { undoMiddleware, UndoState } from 'zundo';
import create from 'zustand';

const useStoreWithUndo = create<StoreState>(
  undoMiddleware((set) => ({
    bears: 0,
    increasePopulation: () => set((state) => ({ bears: state.bears + 1 })),
    removeAllBears: () => set({ bears: 0 }),

Middleware Options

options: {
  exclude?: string[],
  include?: string[],
  allowUnchanged?: boolean,
  historyDepthLimit?: number,
  coolOffDurationMs?: number,

Exclude fields from being tracked in history

Use the exclude option, which accepts an array of keys to not track. Alternatively you can use the include option which will result in only those keys being tracked.

If for some reason you use both parameters, any key included in both will be excluded.

// Only field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreA = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { include: ['field1', 'field2'] }

// Everything besides field1 and field2 will be tracked
const useStoreB = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { exclude: ['field1', 'field2'] }

Note: exclude replaces the option omit which will deprecated in future versions.

Allow unchanged states to be stored

Sometimes you may want to track states in history even if nothing has actually changed. Set allowUnchanged to be true to allow unchanged states to be stored. By default, it is false (well, technically it is undefined).

const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { allowUnchanged: true }

Limit number of states stored

For performance reasons, you may want to limit the number of previous and future states stored in history. Setting historyDepthLimit will limit the number of previous and future states stored in the zundo store. By default, no limit is set.

const useStore = create<StoreState>(
    set => ({ ... }),
    { historyDepthLimit: 100 }


undoMiddleware(config: StateCreator<TState>)

This is middleware for zustand which takes in a config for the store.

This works for multiple undoable stores in the same app.


Create from zundo will return a store hook that has undo/redo capabilities. In addition to what fields are in the provided in your StoreState, the functions undo, redo, clear, and getState are added as well.

This works for multiple undoable stores in the same app.

  • undo: call function to apply previous state (if there are previous states)
  • redo: call function to apply future state (if there are future states). Future states are "previous previous states."
  • clear: call function to remove all stored states from your undo store. Warning: clearing cannot be undone.

Dispatching a new state will clear all of the future states.


Will create a store that is used by the middleware to track the internal state of type UndoStoreState.


A type to extend when creating a global store with undo/redo capabilities.

type UndoState = {
  // Will go back one state
  undo?: (() => void) | undefined;
  // Will go forward one state
  redo?: (() => void) | undefined;
  // Will clear
  clear?: (() => void) | undefined;
  getState?: (() => UndoStoreState) | undefined;
  // history is enabled by default
  setIsUndoHistoryEnabled?: ((isEnabled: boolean) => void) | undefined;

Enable or Disable History

Sometimes you may want to disable storing states in history, for example, when animating a point across the screen and you only want to store the beginning and end points in history. Use setIsUndoHistoryEnabled, returned from useStore to set programmatically set true or false.


import create, { UndoState } from 'zundo';

interface StoreState extends UndoState {
  // fields

const useStoreWithUndo = create<StoreState>();
// (set, get, api)

Cool-off period

Sometimes multiple state changes might happen in a short amount of time and you only want to store one change in history. Use coolOffDurationMs to set how long (in millesconds) to stop new changes from being stored in history after an initial change has happened.

Please note: Even if you don't set coolOffDurationMs, if multiple state changes happen inside of the same frame (e.g. you called setSomething multiple times in the same function call), only one item will be stored in history.


It is an interface from zustand where T is your StoreState. Very similar to the type definition shown below. It is the type of any useStore hook. Used when passing the useStore hook as a prop.

type UseStore<T extends object> = {
    (): T;
    <U>(selector: StateSelector<T, U>, equalityFn?: EqualityChecker<U> | undefined): U;
    setState: SetState<T>;
    getState: GetState<...>;
    subscribe: Subscribe<...>;
    destroy: Destroy;


An interface for the store that tracks states.

type UndoStoreState = {
  prevStates: any[];
  futureStates: any[];
  undo: () => void;
  redo: () => void;
  clear: () => void;
  setStore: Function;
  getStore: Function;

Road Map

  • possibly use better data structure for storing previous states. Maybe just a diff between states?


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Issues and PRs are welcome. I'd like to hear your comments and critiques. We can discuss ways to make this package better. Thanks :)



View the releases for the change log. This generally follows sem-ver, but breaking changes may occur in v1.

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