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Fast and distributed workflow runner using ActiveJob and Redis

Results 22 gush issues
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One of the difficulties we face when running complex workflows is monitoring them in real-time, seeing the whole picture per specific executions and/or investigating what went wrong. These are some...

Update default workflow status to pending when workflow is pending to start

Add Rails version to CI matrix. The versions of rails in matrix, the supported major versions by gush currently.

Hi maintainers , I've noticed this project and found it extremely useful, but also noticed there haven't been any new releases since March last year and no commits since February....

The following error occurred and has been fixed. ``` $ bundle exec gush list bundler: failed to load command: gush (/Users/mat_aki/.rbenv/versions/2.6.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/bin/gush) NameError: uninitialized constant ActiveStorageValidations::ActiveModel Did you mean? ActiveJob /Users/mat_aki/.rbenv/versions/2.6.5/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/active_storage_validations-0.7.1/lib/active_storage_validations/attached_validator.rb:4:in...

# Summary When we remove the job `Jobs::SayHello`, but the job is still persisted on Redis. The CLI `list/show` will raise an error. This PR is to fix this error...

Let's say we have the following, simple, workflow: ``` A -> B -> C ``` And Job A checks for a value, which if `false`, the whole workflow should be...

I am confused about this section of the README: Can someone please explain why I should "avoid starting the next scheduled workflow iteration while the current one with same...

As per discussion in #65 this pull request adds a `Gush::Job#skip!` that would mark a job as skipped, and returns from the point where `self.skip!` is called. After calling `self.skip!`,...