Chao Yang

Results 23 comments of Chao Yang

Sorry for my bad description. All the diagrams and notations currently used are good. But all the explanations are instruction-centric , I mean you decode the binary as instructions which...

Yes, will be perfect if describe how LI pseudo instruction figure out the 32bits immediate. Anyway, thanks for your time to help me. I will let you know what I...

@westman2000 could you share your own wrap code?

Thanks. I rewraped the function by myself, like the following code, and it works. ```c++ extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_a3dprintingsystems_robopose_CvAruco_detectMarkers_11(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jlong imgAddr, jlong dictionaryAddr, jlong cornersAddr,...

@Kafakk Ignore these error message, they won't influence the build. Just build the App. These errors are there because the JNI source code is not in your project. You don't...

@Kafakk You can: ```java Mat ids = ... ; int[] idArray = ids.toArray(); List idList = ids.toList(); ``` Then do whatever you'd like to do. A tip: in OpenCV, you...

No need to rewrap now. Because I rebuild OpenCV Android SDK with Aruco, it now works. You should write like this if you are more familiar to use array: ```java...

@Kafakk declare the ids like this: ```java MatOfInt ids = new MatOfInt(); ```

yes, I'll do this weekend. I'm going to build a pipeline and always build the latest version.