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A set of modding tools (level editor, etc) for the Ratchet & Clank PS2 games.

Wrench Editor

A set of modding tools for the Ratchet & Clank PS2 games. Works with R&C1, R&C2, R&C3 and Deadlocked. Work in progress.

To download the latest Windows build, see the Releases page. Linux users can follow the build instructions below.

Features currently include:

  • New in v0.1! Asset System
    • A system to create, distribute and load mods.
    • Multiple mods can be loaded at a time.
  • New in v0.1! Launcher
    • A user interface to manage mods.
    • Used to launch the level editor.
  • Build Tool
    • Pack/unpack entire ISO files.
    • Unpack moby meshes as COLLADA files.
    • Pack/unpack textures as PNG files.
    • Pack/unpack collision meshes as COLLADA files.
    • New in v0.2! Pack/unpack sky meshes as COLLADA files.
    • Pack/unpack everything else as binary files.
  • Level Editor
    • View unpacked levels.
    • Move objects and modify their attributes.

For documentation on the asset system, see Asset System and Asset Reference. For information on the game's file formats, see the Formats Guide.


Launcher Level Editor



  1. Install the following dependencies and tools:

    • git
    • cmake
    • g++ 8 or newer
    • xorg-dev (needed to build GLFW)
    • zenity
  2. cd into the directory above where you want Wrench to live e.g. cd ~/code.

  3. Download the source code and additional dependencies using Git:

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/chaoticgd/wrench

  4. cd into the newly created directory:

    cd wrench

  5. Build it with cmake:

    cmake . && cmake --build . -- -j8

    (in the above example 8 threads are used)


  1. Install the following tools:

    • git
    • Visual Studio (with desktop C++/cmake support)
  2. Open a Visual Studio developer command prompt.

  3. cd into the directory above where you want Wrench to live e.g. cd c:\code.

  4. Download the source code and dependencies using Git:

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/chaoticgd/wrench

  5. cd into the newly created directory:

    cd wrench

  6. Generate cmake files:

    cmake .

    This should generate wrench.sln along with a few .vcxproj files. In case no such files are generated, you can explicitly specify usage of the Visual Studio generator by running the following command:

    cmake . -G "Visual Studio X YYYY" where X is the Visual Studio version and YYYY is the Visual Studio year (example: Visual Studio 16 2019) A complete list can be obtained by running cmake --help.

  7. Build the project

    • From the command line

    cmake --build . --config BUILD_TYPE

    where BUILD_TYPE is one of Debug (very slow - not recommended), Release (no symbols - not recommended), RelWithDebInfo (recommended) or MinSizeRel.

    • From Visual Studio

    Open the newly generated wrench.sln in Visual Studio. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on wrench and click Set as Startup Project. You should now be able to build and debug wrench using the toolbar controls and all Visual Studio features.