Chaoren Lin

Results 38 comments of Chaoren Lin

Nope, not a problem in 2019.1 either.

@VVVFO oh yes, if you just copy paste the command, it gets tokenized by your shell, so the result would be different from what the IDE did since it launches...

Still can't reproduce. Can you share your .bazelproject file, or your entire project?

Bazel -> Sync -> Sync Project with BUILD Files. Or use the non-incremental version in Ctrl-Shift-A if that doesn't work.

You could also just delete the hidden `.ijwb` directory in your project root, and reimport the project.

When you modify a file, the directory containing the file is added to your working set, and the sync will include your working set by default. It looks like you...

Please share your `.ijwb/.bazelproject` file and the target label that contains the files you want to be synced.

Sorry, lost track of this. Does `go_proto_library` instead of `go_grpc_library` work? Go protobuf support is already implemented, but the go rules in blaze is sufficiently different from bazel's rules_go that...

Okay, same problem as We'll need `load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "GoSource")` to use the providers. I don't think conditional load is a thing yet.

Yes that does work. But then our aspect would not be able to support any project that does not use go. We could also just generate the .pb.go file paths...