RESTClient copied to clipboard
Large JSON response preview performance is poor
When an HTTP response body is very large, the performance of the preview tab is very bad, causing the browser to hang while rendering. If the performance of the JSON rendering cannot be improved, it might be a good idea to warn the user before starting the render of very large response bodies, or provide a configurable maximum size to render, reverting to the plain text view like the response tab if the body is too large.
I've done this before (requested too much and the browser hangs), but I never thought of it as a problem with RESTClient. Instead you can select "Download response body" and then open it with a text editor or other.
My opinion is that if an extension hangs the browser, it is an issue with the extension. If a user is aware that they are going to be getting a very large response, they can certainly avoid the "preview" tab, but I am often surprised by the size of the response, or simply forget that the response will be large while the "preview" tab is already selected.