Chanseok Oh

Results 251 comments of Chanseok Oh

FTR: #1257 is resolved using a [Jib extension]( This issue is documented as one of the [known limitations]( of the extension, where there is a workaround.

FTR: #2782 is a duplicate of this, but it's worth checking the discussions there. Also we should check out #1650 when starting on this work.

@Marty another option is to use the Onwership extension (, which will allow you to change onwership of those directories.

It's a bug (or limitation) in that the output directory is unaccounted for. Note that Jib doesn't use the repackaged Spring Boot fat JAR but a standard thin-JAR packaged by...

FYI, you can set the environment variables for the `docker` command in recent versions. ```gradle jib { dockerClient.environment = [ DOCKER_HOST: '...', DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY: '...' ] } ``` You can also...

@gbesancon could you get the full stack trace by running Gradle with `--stacktrace` (or `--debug --stacktrace` if that seems more useful)?

Maybe try just `--stacktrace` without `--debug`, since I guess `--debug` may interfere concurrency somehow. Anyways, I appreciate your effort to share a sample project.

The `OverlappingFileLockException` indicates that multiple threads on the same JVM machine were able to enter into the same section of the code at the same time that is guarded by...

@robert-elles @pschichtel if possible, please share a full thread dump on a deadlock, as it tells which thread is blocked on which thread doing what.