> I was able to reproduce this bug exactly as described above with v0.4.0 with the extension installed inside a Linux devcontainer with python3.8 code running an an Ubuntu 22.04...
If the project is large, I would suggest just specifying a few files and folders for analysis. It would be slow analyzing a whole large project. There is no edge...
> I've tried the same for C++ on a folder with 11 .cpp files and a total of 5k LOC (using clangd which seems to be able to show call...
I've released version v0.1.2 which should fix this bug. Could you please update the extension and confirm if the problem is now resolved?
> In my experience, this is still an issue for both SVG exports and the Visual Studio Code extension which I imagine is the same issue but with an embedded...
Good idea! We can bundle all related files of a call graph into a single html file to share that interactive call graph. And there is a plan for the...
Hmm, that is beyond the project scope.
Thank you! Tree view and butterfly view, these features are on the roadmap, but they are not scheduled for implementation for the time being due to other priorities.
I'm not sure I understand this correctly, do you mean allowing to select multiple edges on the graph? Have you tried generating a call graph for a selected function? Does...
> I have already tried, but imagine that I want to highlight a specific path (multiple edges + multiple nodes) on that graph ... I am not sure if there...