scFEA copied to clipboard
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes
Hi! It's a really nice software to work with. I've been using it on windows with my laptop and it works fine. However, when I turned to use scFEA on MAC OS, I always encountered bugs as bellow:
Traceback (most recent call last):File"/Users/yuhaihui/scFEA/src/",line 370,in
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (0,9) (168, )
I am very glad to receive help of any kind from you.
I had a similar error in my analysis when I was using danio rerio data files retrieve from their website. In my case, it is match string issue. I have gene symbol in my data. The module info file brings gene as EntrezID.
This error appesar for me since there is no match between my single gene expression data and their module info file. In my case, there is an empty object after gene_overlap variable.
gene_overlap = list(data_gene_all.intersection(module_gene_all)) # fix , it is empty
#geneoverlap should be non zero, have gene names;
I am convert these entrezID to gene symbol in their module info file, and I will run again.
Hope it can help. Paola
Hi I had the same problem. After checking the author's test data “Melissa_full.csv”, I found that the single-cell data was in.csv format, so when I wrote my single-cell data in read.csv instead of the original read.table, the program could run normally.