@castrapel I get the same error re install nodejs & yarn install - node version 16.x - yarn 1.22.19 : Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/ubuntu/consoleme/ui/node_modules/@date-fns/src/v2/convertTokens/index.ts'
When analyzed by saml tracer, consoleme requests data with get instead of post GET https://portal.sso.ap-northeast-2.amazonaws.com/saml/assertion/MzU3ODM2OTI0MzAzX2lucy0yOTgzNzE0YmE4YTE5YjVi?SAMLRequest=fVNdb9owFH3vr4jynsT5GB8WIGXANqRCIkirsZfJdS4lU2JntlMgv352oC2VOvJi%2Bfqec%2B8592YkSVXWO************** HTTP/1.1
@nmengin @rtribotte We've got a same thing issue using traefik version v2.10 Consumes 10G of memory at an average of 2K RPS when will it be resolved?
We need this feature We want to be able to request normally even if the IDP has a private domain.
@rtribotte Is this feature not available in versions prior to 3.0?
@khatrig I've been looking at this feature, but doesn't this mean that we have to partition the worker nodes by driver version?
@sushrk Hi. Thank you for your comment. In our case, we need to apply 14 SecurityGroups, so we are managing 3 crds. We are splitting what could be managed in...
@sushrk How about using servicequotas to look up the vpc service qutos(securitygroup) value to set maxitems when vpc cni is deployed? https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/servicequotas Let me see if it is feasible too.
@sushrk Hi! How's it going? I'm curious because I haven't seen any updates.
@sushrk Hi. Thank you for your feedback. I think I can create a webhook to check the number of security groups in the CRD. What do you think? I'v tried...