MouClassInputInjection copied to clipboard
The move command always reports an error
“Unexpected indicator flags. (movement type)” is always reported when I use the move command. Why is that? Other instructions are normal.
if (g_MiiManager.DeviceStackContext->MovementDevice.AbsoluteMovement) { if (!(MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE & IndicatorFlags)) { ERR_PRINT("Unexpected indicator flags. (movement type)"); ntstatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto exit; } } else { if (MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE & IndicatorFlags) { ERR_PRINT("Unexpected indicator flags. (movement type)"); ntstatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto exit; } }
if (g_MiiManager.DeviceStackContext->MovementDevice.VirtualDesktop) { if (!(MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP & IndicatorFlags)) { ERR_PRINT("Unexpected indicator flags. (virtual desktop)"); ntstatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto exit; } } else { if (MOUSE_VIRTUAL_DESKTOP & IndicatorFlags) { ERR_PRINT("Unexpected indicator flags. (virtual desktop)"); ntstatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto exit; } }
I can run le after commenting this code. Whether I choose absolute or relative, g_MiiManager.DeviceStackContext->MovementDevice.AbsoluteMovement is always true.
Are you trying to inject MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE
Are you trying to inject
Yes, I tried to inject MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE packets
Are you trying to inject
packets?Yes, I tried to inject MOUSE_MOVE_RELATIVE packets
Your mouse device will almost always generate relative or absolute movement data. You are trying to send relative movement data while your mouse natively sends absolute movement data. This is suspicious activity to any software that is monitoring mouse input data. If you do not care about this then you can use MouInjectInputPacketUnsafe
to bypass these checks.
note that your mouse data type may change when testing on a virtual machine vs testing on hardware.