LoRaRF-Python copied to clipboard
Python library for basic transmitting and receiving data using LoRa and FSK modem
Hello Dear, The lib doesn't support multipple SPI LoRa modules. When i create a multipple SX126x() objects all seams to work. But in reality it works with only 1 module....
hi, I installed latest version of LoRaRF with pip on **raspberry pi Zero 2 w** and i have Lora Ai-Thinker Ra-02 with SX1278. I did enabled the SPI as well....
Hi, I have this board: [https://www.waveshare.com/sx1262-868m-lora-hat.htm](https://www.waveshare.com/sx1262-868m-lora-hat.htm) Do you think it could work with this library? It seems to only support a UART based interface. On my module it says the...
Hello, I have been reviewing the library/module code and the examples and I have some doubts. I'm working on a project that I use bytes instead of strings in order...
Hi, I'm looking for a python library for working with the SX1262 LoRa chip and I've found your library. It looks really good, but unfortunately, my product is based on...
Chandra, Hello, and thank you for building this code. I have been able to successfully get one RaspberryPi to message a second thanks to your code. My next goal will...
Repeated calls to the `.request(LoRa.RX_CONTINUOUS)` method causes main thread to lockup. This is because of the use of the following on ln551 in SX127x.py: ``` if isinstance(self._monitoring, Thread): self._monitoring.join() ```...