Chandramouli Rajagopalan
Chandramouli Rajagopalan
I am new to this source code. I want to contribute to few open source AI, and ML projects to gain experience. Can I work on this issue ? Can...
@cweill Can you just give me a vague idea on how to make adanet support tf.distribute.Strategy. I have good experience with tensorflow but the source code is quite big to...
@cweill Yes I will work on that file first to test my implementation on the estimator similar to issue #54. Where the tf.distribute.Strategy.MirroredStrategy was used in it.
``` FAIL: test_distributed_training_estimator_with_distributed_mirrored_strategy_replication_five_workers_three_ps (adanet.core.estimator_distributed_test.EstimatorDistributedTrainingTest) test_distributed_training_estimator_with_distributed_mirrored_strategy_replication_five_workers_three_ps(estimator='estimator_with_distributed_mirrored_strategy', placement_strategy='replication', num_workers=5, num_ps=3) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): /home/chandramouli/.local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/absl/testing/ line 262 in bound_param_test test_method(self, **testcase_params) adanet/core/ line 325 in test_distributed_training timeout_secs=500) adanet/core/ line 169...
Can I work on this issue ? I am new to the organisation. I would like to contribute to this code.
thanks @ngeiswei for your help. I will work on this and if I have any doubts I shall ask. I just went through the MOSES algorithm and it's usage. So...
So we have to update the uniformity_penalty_formula in moses/moses/metapopulation/ right ? The penalty score must be updated to a better higher score so the behavioral score is near to null...
@ngeiswei When I execute `diversityUTest::test_diversity_5_parity_no_autoscale()` test the behavioural score is showing null value. There is no 0 or any integer shown against it whereas uniformity_penalty, score, complexity_score and complexity_score is...
Can I know the fitness cases for the 5 parity diversity no autoscale ? Is it odd or even parity test ? If I can have more sources about...
Can I take up this issue and work on it ?