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Remove unused plugins / Fix plugins

Open jmontoyaa opened this issue 6 years ago • 8 comments

There are some plugins that won't work, because of the different changes in Chamilo v2

Can we update this table to know which will be deleted or fixed?

I created this table so you can edit it. This is just a proposal.

Checked in V2 Plugin name what to do
X add_cas_login_button you can delete it, check if silex/security has one
X add_cas_logout_button you can delete it, check if silex/security has one
X add_facebook_login_button you can delete it, check if silex/security has one
X add_shibboleth_login_button you can delete it, check if silex/security has one
advanced_subscription keep and integrate later (after 2.0), so need to prepare the structure. Error when calling api_get_setting('advanced_subscription')
ai_helper keep/test/fix
azure_active_directory keep or replace with equivalent (this might be managed by a component now?). Assign to @AngelFQC
bbb keep/test/fix
before_login keep/test/fix
buycourses keep/test/fix & (integrate option)
card_game ?
check_extra_field_author_company ?
cleandeletedfiles ?
X clockworksms delete: Not aware of anyone using it (@ywarnier) and no effort from external (for pay) provider to contribute
courseblock keep/test/fix
coursehomenotify ?
courselegal keep/test/fix & integrate
createdrupaluser keep/test/fix
customcertificate keep/test/fix & integrate (replace current certificate tool?)
customfooter keep/test/fix & integrate
dashboard This is a special case allowing for more blocks. Not really a plugin.
X date delete: Example initial super basic plugin - not accurate anymore.
:heavy_check_mark: dictionary tested/works :heavy_check_mark:
embedregistry keep/test/fix
exercise_signature ?
ext_auth_chamilo_logout_button_behaviour keep/integrate
externalnotificationconnect ?
extramenufromwebservice ?
follow_buttons delete: Not sure this is used nor what it does (@ywarnier)
X formLogin_hide_unhide delete
google_maps keep/test/fix (could be replaced and integrated if using OpenStreetMap)
X google_meet delete
grading_electronic keep/test/fix. Not sure what it does (@ywarnier)
X h5p delete (replaced by h5pimport)
h5pimport keep/test/fix
:heavy_check_mark: hello_world tested/works :heavy_check_mark:
ims_lti keep/test/fix & later integrate to admin section. This should be renamed "LTI tools" as opposed to LTI documents (@ywarnier).
X jcapture delete
justification ?
X kannelsms delete for now. Maybe will re-introduce later but not aware of anyone using it (@ywarnier)
X keycloak delete (to be replaced by mainstream authentication bundles for Symfony)
learning_calendar keep/test/fix
lti_provider keep/test/fix
maintenancemode keep/test/fix & integrate
migrationmoodle keep/test/fix
X mindmap delete. Imperfect plugin storing global content in one single place.
nosearchindex keep/test/fix & integrate
notebookteacher keep/test/fix (what does is do ? (@ywarnier))
X oauth2 delete (to be replaced by mainstream authentication bundles for Symfony)
X olpc_peru_filter delete
onlyoffice keep/test/fix
X openmeetings delete (not "replaced" by BBB but not supported in Chamilo since a long time. We recommend using BigBlueButton)
pausetraining keep/test/fix
pens keep (should be very minimally intrusive - it's just a standard catalogue of courses) & integrate redirection
positioning keep/test/fix
questionoptionsevaluation keep/test/fix
redirection keep/test/fix
remedial_course keep/test/fix
resubscription keep/test/fix (limits the number of times a user can take a course (through sessions))
:heavy_check_mark: rss tested/works :heavy_check_mark: (integrate?)
search_course keep/test/fix
send_notification_new_lp keep/test/fix
sepe keep/test/fix
X share_buttons delete. Not aware of anyone using it (@ywarnier)
show_regions tested/works :heavy_check_mark:
X show_user_info keep/test/fix. Not sure what it does (@ywarnier) (deleted)
static keep/test/fix
studentfollowup keep/test/fix
surveyexportcsv keep/test/fix
surveyexporttxt keep/test/fix
test2pdf Integrate directly into the exercises list, as a new export icon.
toplinks ?
tour keep/test/fix
userremoteservice ?
vchamilo keep/test/fix
X whispeakauth delete (no known user for this plugin)
X xapi delete (moves to main feature)
zoom keep/test/fix

jmontoyaa avatar Sep 11 '18 09:09 jmontoyaa

I added a few comments and also for some, I have added "integrate" because I think they can be put in Chamilo by default (without being a plugin).

ywarnier avatar Sep 11 '18 09:09 ywarnier

@baelmyhu ping ...

jmontoyaa avatar Sep 18 '18 07:09 jmontoyaa

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

stale[bot] avatar Jul 31 '20 18:07 stale[bot]

The plugins removed are:

add_cas_login_button add_cas_logout_button add_shibboleth_login_button clockworksms jcapture kannelsms olpc_peru_filter openmeetings share_buttons show_user_info

christianbeeznest avatar Mar 23 '23 05:03 christianbeeznest

It is fixed dialog readme popup and options to configure after saving in this PR

It is missing to check the new hooks to use the plugins with symfony, some ones are not working due that.

christianbeeznest avatar May 24 '23 23:05 christianbeeznest

  • Move public/plugin to var/plugins and update paths
  • Bring new plugins from 1.11.x

ywarnier avatar Mar 27 '24 15:03 ywarnier

So moving public/plugin to var/plugins doesn't work, because it introduces a vulnerability in that var/ would contain executable PHP code, at least until we are able to convert all plugins to a Bundle structure. As such, the folder will remain in "legacy mode" in public/plugin at least until Chamilo 3.0

ywarnier avatar Mar 27 '24 16:03 ywarnier

In order to improve the management of plugins in Chamilo 2, we need a new table, called "plugin", with roughly this structure:

  • id (internal ID)
  • title (of the plugin, in slug form)
  • installed (0/1 - a bit redundant because only installed plugins should be there, but maybe when a plugin has been uninstalled it would be good to keep them there with a "0" value
  • active (0/1)
  • version (string in the semver format:
  • access_url_id to specify where it has been installed

This will require a migration, as in v1 the plugins are "installed" through a settings_current entry, and sometimes enabled through another entry.

ywarnier avatar Apr 27 '24 16:04 ywarnier