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Interceptor.replace for dlopen bug
- https://github.com/chame1eon/jnitrace-engine/blob/9e8735110999a315c121fc9a560893ae521c02d9/lib/engine.ts#L147
replace for dlopen will cause some bug like "Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver"
modifiy to attach
implementation can solve this problem, but I am not sure will it cause other bug...
"Waiting for a blocking GC ProfileSaver" cause 100% CPU usage, then APP crash
Thanks very much for showing me this issue. I wasn't aware using the Interceptor.replace was causing issues with "GC ProfileSaver". The reason I used Interceptor.replace instead of Interceptorattach is due to issues on Android > 7 hooking dlopen (from this issue on Frida) but that may be fixed now.
Have you tested your change on a device newer than Android 7? If the change works on those newer devices I am very happy to incorporate the changes.
I test on Pixel 4 Android 11.
not sure whether this problem has been solved, I suggest add a option to set by user for better compatibility.
- https://github.com/frida/frida/issues/394
- https://github.com/frida/frida/issues/448
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. Can I check why you closed the issue? I was going to say your suggestion sounded like a good one so I was going to look to implement it. Before I do that I want to make sure you are still having the same problems.
I have faced the same problem. Buf when I modifiy to attach implementation . That solve this problem.
frida 16.0.11 Redmi K30 Android10 jnitrace 3.3.0