@vexorian yeah... I should have posted that in my first message. Here is the part of the log that I think is identifying the problem... I just have no idea...
@vexorian yep... that was exactly it! I recently added a dummy channel with just flex time so I could use the channel number in xteve for a different m3u8 stream....
sounds good, thanks for following up on this so quickly! I appreciate it
@dbowles1975 per your first comment about creating dummy channels with flex content only, that is exactly what I have done and that does solve the problem. not ideal, because every...
@dbowles1975 thanks, ill give that a try!
@JReming85 Im having the same issue... tried to go down the road of each link provided here and dont really understand what the fix is. Going back to the earlier...
@mkowpak i have this same issue. xteve is unable to recognize the episode details and then just assigns the date as the episode number when i feed it into plex....
No, I'm not talking about VOD. Im talking about live TV when I have a show on the epg will not show the season and episode number. It just shows...
and not sure if this has been posted elsewhere or deserves another thread... but I also noticed that if a 30 min TV show series is playing back to back,...
thanks @freearhey ! Just to confirm... should this be showing in the state specific guides now as well and the TVTV guide? My example I looked at today is the...