dan white
dan white
@lacan Yes, i basically agree with what you say. So long as we make an effort to lead people away from bad practice towards better practice... make the more robust...
Indeed. Unless there is a good reason to have different threshold for different measures?
@lacan @etarena im in germany, time zone wise... skype chalkie666
Hi there, many of the algorithms are pretty generally applicable, such as Pearsons correlation, Spearman rank correllation etc. 2D histograms are also generally applicable Some of the stuff is specific...
@etarena good news indeed! Pearsons r, and the two kinds if rank corellearion coefficient are probably the most general nuts if maths suitable for port to ops. Manders' coefficients are...
From JACoP - the main 2 things are: 1) manually user definable thresholds (a really bad idea, but like crack cocaine, attractive to short sighted users) 2) an object based...
1) For Onject/segmentation based coloc, we could port over the object based methods in JACoP to Coloc_2... using imageJ buil-in autothreshold method like Otsu etc. 2) instead of implementing the...
@ctrueden there are two different kinds of thresholding going on here. 1) normal thresholding that looks at one image histogram and sets a threshold according to some single histogram or...
Note that the 3D ROI manager available as an update site does 3D object coloc, so we dont need to re do that immediately at all!!! See http://imagejdocu.tudor.lu/doku.php?id=tutorial:working:tutorial_for_3d_roi_manager
Yes it's very nice. But we can push it even further And we can also implement the noise correction method rnbcc ... Should make an issue for that. It might...