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Official ESLint Plugin for Panda CSS

Panda CSS

ESLint plugin for Panda CSS

Github release actions

Getting Started


pnpm add -D @pandacss/eslint-plugin


Add @pandacss/eslint-plugin to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the /eslint-plugin suffx:

  "plugins": ["@pandacss"]

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

  "rules": {
    "@pandacss/no-debug": "error"

You can also enable the recommended rules in extends:

-   "plugins": ["@pandacss"]
+   "extends": ["plugin:@pandacss/recommended"]

Or enable all rules in extends:

-   "plugins": ["@pandacss"]
+   "extends": ["plugin:@pandacss/all"]

This is not recommended. You should only enable the rules you need.


Rules with ⚙️ have options. Click on the rule to see the options.

Where rules are included in the configs recommended, or all it is indicated below.

Rule recommended
@pandacss/file-not-included ✔️
@pandacss/no-config-function-in-source ✔️
@pandacss/no-debug ✔️
@pandacss/no-dynamic-styling ✔️
@pandacss/no-hardcoded-color ⚙️ ✔️
@pandacss/no-invalid-token-paths ✔️
@pandacss/no-invalid-nesting ✔️
@pandacss/no-property-renaming ✔️
@pandacss/no-unsafe-token-fn-usage ✔️



You can tell eslint to use a custom panda config file by setting the configPath option in your .eslintrc.js file.

By default we find the nearest panda config to the linted file.

const path = require('path')

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['@pandacss'],
  settings: {
    '@pandacss/configPath': path.join('PATH-TO/panda.config.js'),