Thomas Chaigneau

Results 52 comments of Thomas Chaigneau

> Hi hugs > > I am facing this error while trying to load up my DeBERTaV3 model into a ONNX format. > > ``` > 2022-07-21 10:21:22.414296: E tensorflow/stream_executor/cuda/]...

> I am working on Colab and using the `!pip install transformers[onnx]` command, so I believe it's the latest version. Could you verify it precisely, please? To be sure, it's...

> Colab version says 4.20.1, which was the 22 June Release and should have the DeBERTaV2 config ! Are you sure about this? > Using the main GitHub branch, it...

> Hi @ChainYo, while converting the CLIP model to onnx, I'm getting this error, while it's validating the ONNX model- > > ``` > Validating ONNX model... > Traceback (most...

> Hi!, just wondering when are all this new configs going to be included? Wich release! Great work, will try to add one or two myself Hey @irg1008, it's integrated...

Hey I'm taking the whole chapter 1 @lewtun

Hi, I would like to work on `CamemBERT` for PT & TF. I will take a look at `LayoutLMv2` after the first one :smiley: Edit: Because CamemBert depends on `Roberta`...

@Rocketknight1 I switch to Roberta PyTorch because CamemBERT depends on Roberta modeling

> @ChainYo As I mentioned in the pr description, a function inside torch (with version 1.11) had an issue parsing the signature correctly and provided kwargs as an extra positional...

> Is there anything I can do to help with this? We are waiting for a reviewer to get feedback and see what's next!