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Index any EVM chain and query in SQL

Results 7 chaindexing-rs issues
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This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard]( docs to learn more. This repository currently has no open or pending branches. ## Detected dependencies cargo chaindexing-tests/Cargo.toml...

Currently, we make blocking RPC calls to fetch blocks for ingested events. This could be a performance bottleneck for DApps that do not require `block_timestamp` values. It would be better...

Action: Investigate `tokio-postgres`. Analysis: Timestamp fields should be encoded as `serde::Value::String("\"\"")` -- the inner extra quotes are essential for `serde` to reach an agreement with `chrono` when deserializing. However, it...

This will help guide users when they have written an invalid SQL syntax. To stay language agnostic, it must be runtime-based. Eventually, after most libraries have been built, we can...

Currently, this library uses `tokio-postgres` and `diesel` as the RDBMS clients. We need to pick one for obvious reasons. ANALYSIS (WIP)