react-native-jw-media-player copied to clipboard
Tracks property in media playlist item causes crash on Android
I can add the tracks in iOS and its not a problem. On Android, they cause the player to crash with: Error while updating property 'config' of a view managed by: RNJWPlayerView
This is on Android Google Pixel 3.
Removing the tracks property or passing an empty array will stop it from crashing.
<JWPlayer key={"JWPlayer-2"} ref={} style={{ flex: 1 }} config={{ license:{ ios: process.env.JWPLAYER_IOS_SDK_KEY, android: process.env.JWPLAYER_ANDROID_SDK_KEY, }), autostart: false, styling: {}, playlist: [ { mediaId: mediaId, file: videoFile, image: image, tracks: [ { file: "", label: "On", }, ], } ], enableLockScreenControls: false, pipEnabled: false, }} onPlayerError={(e) => logError(e)} />
I have the same problem, I had read online that the Android SDK for JWPlayer supports only VTT subtitles, but after testing VTT subtitles as well, I still get the same error: Error while updating property 'config' of a view managed by: RNJWPlayerView
Hi @ggustilo and @StavrosHacker, Were you able to fix this, we are also getting "Error while updating property 'config' of a view managed by: RNJWPlayerView" when adding Audio tracks ?
Working, my only issue was, I didn't add kind: 'captions'.
{ file: item.url, label: item.language, kind: 'captions', default: true, }
Hi @mahmudsg,
Is this resolved?