dev icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dev copied to clipboard

Personal Development Toolkit 🛸

Personal Development Toolkit 📡

This repo contains my configuration of kitty, tmux, lf, zsh and neovim.


You can try my configuration in docker container.

git clone
cd dev
docker build . -t dev:latest
docker run -it dev:latest /bin/zsh


git clone
cd dev
# install dependency software and install configuration

Alternatively (if you dont want to install all of them), you can copy the configuration directory you like to XDG_CONFIG_HOME, for example:

nvim -> ~/.config/nvim
kitty -> ~/.config/kitty
tmux -> ~/.config/tmux
lf -> ~/.config/lf
zsh/zsh -> ~/.config/zsh
zsh/zshrc -> ~/.zshrc

Noteable Info

  • Kitty
    • use JetbrainMono Nerd Font and LXGW WenKai, please install them by yourself.
  • Tmux
    • commonly used keys are set as shortcuts that dont require prefix key, which can still be used though
    • Ctrl-hjkl and Ctrl-q can be used both in tmux and vim for window operations.
    • use tmux-continuum and resurrect to restore workspaces.
    • If you get dizzy remembering shortcuts, just use your mouse.
  • Zsh
    • settings about software are in zsh/zsh/plugins, you can add here by yourself
    • disable vim mode for consistence.
    • customize context module of powerlevel10k
  • Neovim
    • most keybindings are in nvim/lua/keymap.lua, others are in plugins' file.
    • disgard f/F t/T inline search and only use global search enhanced by flash.nvim.
    • the completion behavior simulate vscode's, which is more intuitive:)
  • lf
    • integrate with fzf, you can press f to fuzzy search files and directories from pwd


Software Key Effect
zsh C-r execute lf filemanager
zsh C-backspace delete word backward
lf gh go to home (~)
lf gd go to ~/Documents
lf gn go to ~/Downloads
lf gp go to ~/Projects
lf H go to previous visited directory
lf L go to next visited directory
lf a mkdir
lf t touch
lf r rename file or directory
lf o open with custom software
lf . show hidden file
lf ; execute shell command
lf y copy
lf d cut
lf p paste
lf D move to trash
lf delete rm
lf f fuzzy search using fzf
tmux & neovim C-h go to the left pane or neovim window
tmux & neovim C-j go to the pane below or neovim window
tmux & neovim C-k go to the top pane or neovim window
tmux & neovim C-l go to the right pane or neovim window
tmux & neovim C-q kill pane or close neovim window
tmux C-S-j swap with the next pane
tmux C-S-k swap with the previous pane
tmux C-x split window horizontally
tmux C-S-x split window vertically
tmux C-f make pane fullscreen
tmux C-t create new window
tmux C-S-t rename window
tmux C-PgUp go to previous window
tmux C-PgDn go to next window
tmux C-S-PgUp swap with previous window
tmux C-S-PgDn swap with next window
tmux C-(number x) go to window x
tmux C-s choose session
tmux C-S-s rename session
tmux C-n create new session
neovim L go to the end of line
neovim H go to the begin of line
neovim J go to the previous buffer
neovim K go to the next buffer
neovim f scroll half page forward
neovim F scroll half page backward
neovim ; enter commandline mode
neovim Q quit all
neovim g= format document
neovim Space q record macro to register 1
neovim 2-LeftMouse toggle fold
neovim CR toggle fold
neovim q delete buffer
neovim sw fuzzy search word
neovim sf fuzzy search filename
neovim z fuzzy search opened buffers
neovim sd fuzzy search diagnostics
neovim Space t toggle neotree
neovim Space c change root directory
neovim ss floating terminal (close by ESC)
neovim ga (lsp) code action
neovim ge (lsp) show diagnostics in line
neovim gh (lsp) get document
neovim gn (lsp) rename symbol
neovim gd (lsp) peek definition
neovim gr (lsp) find reference
neovim gi show lazygit
neovim tt (test) run test functions (go, python)
neovim ts (test) show test output
neovim ` (debug) toggle breakpoint
neovim F1 (debug) continue
neovim F2 (debug) step_over
neovim F3 (debug) step_into
neovim F4 (debug) toggle debug ui
neovim C-/ comment line
neovim / search and jump
neovim ? search and select in treesitter
neovim keymaps in plugins/neotree.lua some file operations
neovim keymaps in plugins/cmp.lua code completions