kitsu copied to clipboard
Playlist timeline polish / improvements / QOL
Note: This issue is located somewhere between a bug and feature request - feel free to move it to the category you want to use for it
Studio name: Tetsuo Animation Kitsu version: 0.19.2 Production type: Short
- Dragging on the timeline should be locked to the timeline the drag was started on:
- When starting to drag on the frame timeline, only change the frames in the player until drag/touch is released ( even if hovering over the main timeline )
- When starting to drag on the overall timeline, only change the frames in the main timeline until drag/touch is released ( even if hovering over the frame timeline )
- Preview images cover the control/playback buttons and don't go away while hovering over the text on them - this hides the play-button and throws off the flow
- Hovering over the main timeline is lost when the timeline div animates away under the mouse cursor.
- Leads to flickering between the preview images
- Means that the clip jumps between the main and frame timeline frames/clips when clicked.
- Preview images might not be needed on one of the timelines maybe - other users might differ.
- Clip looping is not instant
- Clicking the timeline to drag gets a little annoying after a while. Mirroring what Maya does (dragging on the viewport while holding 'K' is scrubbing the timeline) or click-dragging on the video viewport for scrubbing might be helpful (this needs a quick shortcut to switch between selecting, drawing and scrubbing then)
- When starting to drag on the frame timeline, only change the frames in the player until drag/touch is released ( even if hovering over the main timeline )
- When starting to drag on the overall timeline, only change the frames in the main timeline until drag/touch is released ( even if hovering over the frame timeline )
HD videos are heavy but it should works as expected with LD videos.
Edit: I didn't get properly the message, forget this comment.
For caching ideas:
I add some shortcuts requested by a French customer:
En gros on a acces à fleche gauche, fleche droite et ALT-J et ALT-K. J'imagine que la touche HOME pourrait nous amener en début de plan, la touche END en fin. Et ALT-fleche gauche/ALT-fleche droite se déplacer sur la timeline (pouvoir sauter par delà les cuts)
I'd also like to throw watermarking, company logo (can be taken from uploaded company image from Kitsu) and custom text along with tags for artist name, project, sequence, shot, tc etc. attached is a python script I use for watermarking confidential videos - it resizes to 1920x1080, adds the logo in the top left, caption across the bottom and can batch a folder. Hope it helps
@PeteDraper I do this with ffmpeg currently. Here's my repo: This is abit messy ( it was a backend oneshot ) but it could help you with the features you're requesting.
this is great - would be good to have something like this in Kitsu when downloading the playlist build
I add some shortcuts requested by a French customer:
En gros on a acces à fleche gauche, fleche droite et ALT-J et ALT-K. J'imagine que la touche HOME pourrait nous amener en début de plan, la touche END en fin. Et ALT-fleche gauche/ALT-fleche droite se déplacer sur la timeline (pouvoir sauter par delà les cuts)
These are great! I didn't know them and I'm sure I'll use them a bunch! I'd love it if there was a shortcut to jump between drawings ( , . like in maya wouble be awesome! )
FYI, most problems are fixed but I keep the issue open because of the watermarking and caching discussions.
@frankrousseau Regarding this discussion - are the 'other' shortcuts ( jumping to the next / previous drawing, hold key and drag to scrub and switching focus between drawing / playback and the comment / notebox ) still on the table?
I also noticed that the 'internal' variable for the frame is not updated when using the shortcuts you mentioned to go to the next or previous shot ( alt+j/k or alt+arrowkeys ). While the timeline shows the first frame, the system remembers where the pleayhead was in the previous shot when you press the arrow keys to advance a single frame.